Chapter 6: The Escape From Earth

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Beware, more language... or really from now on, language

Your POV: 

     Lance and I were inside the lion. The dangerous, fucking, mechanical lion. Lance was in front of me. Eventually, we made it to the cockpit of the lion. Almost everything on this lion was blue. The screen, the chair, even the windows were tinted blue. Lance got closer to the chair in the middle of the cockpit and sat down.

     "Here we go," Lance said, very excited. He looked around and continued to say things like, "Woah!" and "Very nice!"

     The others shortly joined us. Shiro, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and I were all inside of the lion's cockpit. "I kind of feel the need to point out, just so that everyone is aware, we are in some sort of alien cat head right now," Hunk said.

     We were silent for a couple of seconds. Out of nowhere, Lance shouted. "Woah, did you guys just hear that?"

     "Hear... what?" Keith and I said in unison. We continued our staring contest from before. Again, I still hated him. 

     "I... I think it's talking to me," Lance said and started to inspect the cockpit in front of him even more. "Hmm... Uh..." he pressed a button. 

     All of the sudden, the lion got up and roared.

     "Shit!" I had tripped on my foot. Thankfully, Lance's seat was right in front of me, so I was able to hold on to his seat before I fell.

     "Okay! Got it. Now, let me try this! This is fucking awesome!" Lance shouted. He touched another button. We yelled. The lion got up and started flying through the cave wall. We were out in broad daylight.

     "Lance you dumbass!" I shouted as I was holding onto his seat for safety. Everyone else was either holding on to each other or holding onto the cockpit. Lance was doing flips, barrel rolls, and other things that a dumbass does. 

     "Woo!" Lance said as we yelled.

     "You! Are! The worst! Fucking! Pilot! Ever!" Keith yelled at Lance. We continued to scream.

     We continued to do flips. The more he did them, the more I was bumping into Keith and Shiro... and the seat. It was a terrible fucking day. Lance would be running across the desert, or jumping off of the ground. 

     "Isn't this awesome?!" Lance asked us. 

     "MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!" Hunk yelled, hyperventilating.

     "I'm not making it do anything!" Lance responded, "It's like it's on auto-pilot!"

     "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?" Keith shouted with his arm on me to keep him from falling off. 

     "I'm not going anywhere! I just said it's on autopilot!" Lance said. He got closer to the control panel, "It says there's an alien ship coming to Earth! I think we're supposed to stop it!" 

     "ALIEN SHIP???" I asked, panicking. The only thing that was going through my mind was the fact that aliens existed. 

     "What did it say, exactly?" Pidge asked Lance. I agreed with him. 

     "Well, it's not like it's saying words more like feeding ideas into my brain!... Kind of," Lance said, not sure about what he just said. 

     "Well, if this thing is the weapon they're looking for, why don't we just give it to them?" Hunk asked. 

     We all gave him a deathly stare. 

    "What did you just say?" I asked him, more calmly than I thought I would.

    "You don't understand! These monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path. There's no bargaining with them. They won't stop until everything is dead," Shiro said calmly but madly at the same time. 

     Hunk gave a simple, "Oh" and shut up. 

    After a few seconds, we were in space. It was amazing. I'd only seen pictures, not actually been outside our atmosphere. But the only bad part about it was the fact that there was a giant alien ship in front of us. It was shaped almost like a hammer with purple lights. The whole thing was either black or an extremely dark color. 

     There was a spaceship in front of us. 





     This was one hell of a day.

Hey guys! I apologize for the short chapter. I'm going to be posting another thing right after this so be prepared. I hope that you all had a great Valentine's Day, and I'll write for you later! Bye! :3 8D

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