Chapter 5: The Blue Lion

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Beware, this chapter has a lot of cursing. 

Your POV:

     We were in the desert. The fucking desert. And all for what? Discovery. The oh, so wonderful discovery. I never liked the immense heat or everlasting sandy plains. To me, it felt like hell. 

     We were looking for the "Voltron" thing that Shiro and Pidge had mentioned. Keith had apparently already been here, so at least he knew what he was doing, compared to everyone else who was just following him for no good reason.

     As we were walking, it started to get really hot. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist. I was wearing an [insert color] short-sleeved v-neck under the jacket. 

     We were walking into a cave. As we passed the threshold of the cave, Hunk and Pidge's science thing started beeping. I honestly have no idea what to call it.

     "Woah! Guys, I think I have a reading on something," Hunk said. The beeping increased the farther we got into the cave. The cave had many carvings on the walls. Did they look like... a lion? Huh, that's... something. The beeping grew stronger and stronger the closer to the end of the cave we got. 

     Lance was awed. He got closer to the wall to get a better look at the carvings. He said a small, "Woah". I completely agreed with him. I could hear him muttering things under his breath like "Holy fuck, this is amazing" or some things in Spanish that I could briefly understand like "Mi hermano pequeño pensaría que este fue el mejor" I took Spanish at school, so I understood what he said. [A/N: "My little brother would think this was the coolest"]

     "What are these?" Shiro asked with curiosity. 

     "I was just about to ask the same thing," I said, looking at Shiro. 

     "These are the lion carvings I was telling you about," Keith said, "They're everywhere around here,"

     Lance made a few "hmm" noises and touched one of the carvings. As soon as he touched them, the carvings started to light up. The blue light surrounded the cave, illuminating it in the dark light. 

     "Woah! This is fucking awesome!" Lance said, extremely surprised. 

     "They've never done that before!" Keith said, equally as surprised.

     Then, a big blue circle formed underneath us all. I looked down at it instantly. 

     "What's going on," I said. Except I wasn't able to get farther than "What's" before the ground below us started to break underneath our weight. The floor under us was completely gone, and we started falling. 

     We all screamed. I was the only girl [A/N: not true... okay... I'll go back to the story now] and therefore I had the highest pitched scream. As we fell, we got caught by some water and started going down it like a waterslide. After about three seconds of falling, the waterslide came to a halt and we reached the bottom. At the bottom, there was a small pool, about ten feet wide. We landed in a pool. I was wearing my favorite and most comfortable outfit. This day was not at all going as planned. 

     Eventually, we all got up and out of the water. I looked up and to what was in front of me. There was a giant mechanical blue lion in front of me, covered with a blue hexagonal shield. A... fucking... giant... blue... mechanical... lion... Damn, what a day.

     We all walked towards the blue lion. We all, even Keith, exchanged "Woah"s. 

     "Is this it? Is this... the Voltron?" Pidge asked getting a little bit closer.

     "It... must be," Shiro answered him, getting closer as well. I followed the example and got closer.

     "This is what's been causing all this crazy, insane, energy out here," Keith said. He started walking around it, touching the shield, "Looks like there's a force-field,"

     "No shit Sherlock," I said, not entirely trying to sound rude. Sadly, I failed. This was the kind of things I did to people I was extremely upset with. Keith looked over at me and gave a stare. I stared back, not afraid of looking away. We may have been friends when we were saving Shiro, but that didn't change what he did. I still hated him.

     Lance started to walk up to the lion. "Does anyone else get the feeling this thing is staring at them?" he asked. I looked away from Keith and to Lance, who was far behind us.

     "...No," Shiro said questioningly. [A/N: If you also had to say that word out loud, don't feel ashamed. I did too.]

     "Yeah, the eyes are totally following me," Lance started walking in zig-zags. 

     "Lance, you know you look insane right now, right?" I said, mentally hitting myself against the cave wall. 

     "I wonder how to get inside this... force-field," Keith mumbled to himself. 

     "Maybe you just have to knock!" Lance said like a show-off. He walked up to the lion started knocking on the force-field. After three knocks, the force-field opened up. I was in awe. I almost jumped back in surprise. The whole thing opened up... because Lance... knocked. The floor under the lion was patterned with a blue light. Then, all of the sudden, I started having this vision.  

     I saw five different lions. A yellow, green, black, red, and blue lion circling together. When they combined, there was this ginormous big robot. The black lion was now the head, the red now it's right arm, the green now the left arm, the blue was the right leg, and the yellow the left leg. The right arm had a sword and the left had a shield. Then the vision stopped. It was like I blacked out.

     "Woah," We all said in unison. This was really one hell of a day.

     "Uh... did everyone just see that?" Lance asked. 

     "VOLTRON'S A ROBOT!!!" Hunk burst out,"VOLTRON IS A HUGE"–he stopped to laugh–"HUGE FREAKING AWESOME ROBOT!" [A/N: Because Hunk doesn't curse]

     "Holy shit! I guess it isn't just... a blue lion. There are also four others!" I said, getting excited. 

     "All five lions are different parts of it!" Pidge said. "I wonder where the rest of them are!" Pidge added.

     "This is what they're looking for," Shiro said. 

     "This is fucking incredible," Keith said in awe. 

     Then, without any alarm, the mouth of the lion opened and it bent down. Pidge and Hunk both bent down and started screaming. Those two are wimps. I thought. Of course, I didn't mean it, I was surprised too. I just didn't start screaming. Lance and I exchanged glances. We both nodded. He knew I had a sense of adventure, and I knew he had a sense of adventure. We both approached the lion's mouth. We stopped in front of it. We exchanged one last glance before entering the lion's mouth together. 

     I'm not dead! I'm so sorry for the late chapter. School's been REALLY eventful in more ways than one. Sorry again, but I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

- Vonna :3 8D

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