Chapter 10: Getting the Red Lion

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Hey guys! This is going to be an extra long chapter, just letting you know. Plus, there's going to be some humor. And by some, I mean a lot. 

Your POV:

     "Let's go," Shiro said as we were heading towards the lions to execute his genius plan. 

     I was about to follow Shiro when someone grabbed my arm from behind me. "Let go of me," I told Keith as he let me go, "What do you want?"

     "I need to talk to you quickly before we go," he answered as he motioned for me to follow him. 

     "But– Keith! I..." I turned around and saw everyone looking at Keith and me, "How much time do we have?" I asked Coran.

     "We have about two dobashes until we need to get going," Coran answered, looking at his clock. He must have seen that I was confused, so he answered in English. "It's 336 seconds in your time," {A/N: yes, I looked up how long a dobash was and how long it would be in human time measurements. I know, I'm a nerd}

     "Okay, I'll be right back," I turned around and followed Keith. Keith started walking into the armory where I had gotten my armor. After Keith stopped and turned to me, I took the opportunity to speak first. "Okay, I may fucking hate you to the core, but I want to hear what you have to say,"

     Keith waited for a few seconds before speaking. "I'm sorry I treated you like shit all those years ago. I shouldn't have said all of the things that I should," he paused as if he was choosing his next words carefully. "I was a fucking idiot back then and I didn't know how to not be an absolute asshole to people. You were the one person who I was somewhat nice too and actually treated me like I wasn't worthless. I don't know why I said those things that I did back then, and I know that it caused you even more pain with what you were going through.

     "Again, I'm so sorry for acting like an asshole to you and to everyone else. I'm not asking you to forgive me because you don't have to; however, if you do eventually forgive me, I'm hoping that we can start over," Keith finished. He looked slightly flustered as if he had just delivered that speech in front of the whole universe. 

     I myself was speechless. I didn't know what to say after his big apology, I didn't know what to do, and most of all, I didn't know if I should forgive him. I knew that the others were waiting for us, so I needed to make my response quick. 

     "Keith, thank you for the apology. As for whether or not I should forgive you or not, I don't know. I need time to think about it," I responded, choosing my words carefully. "For now, let's get this mission over with so that we can get your lion, okay?"

      "Okay. Let's go," Keith said. If he was upset, he was sure stoical about it. 

      We both walked back to the others. They looked at us with wonder, and it looked like they hadn't said anything to each other since we left. They were all silent and they were waiting for either me or Keith to say something. 

      Instead of me or Keith saying something, Shiro recognized that it was an awkward moment and decided to speak up. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go,"


     "Turning on the cloak now," Pidge said as he pulled a lever on his lion. Shiro, Keith, and I were also in his lion. {A/N: I know that Pidge is a girl, but now I have it is that you'll find out later. Just letting you guys know} We were currently executing Shiro's plan to get the Red Lion. 

     I still didn't know whether or not I should forgive Keith. His apology was sincere, as far as I could tell; however, I also knew that Keith had a temper, so he would probably do it again. But I had a temper as well. I also blew up on him on that day. Ugh. Why was life so complicated?!

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