ch 2. Just a Glitch, Right?

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It had been two days since you had access to WiFi. It appeared that your WiFi had shut off at the same time the game started glitching, but it was a fairly odd coincidence. The maintenance crew had finally finished up, and you were determined to see if anything changed. You started up the game, but something was still off. Monika wasn't on the home screen, but Sayori still was. You decided to try and load, but there was no save files.

"Weird..." You quietly mutter. You press a new game file and name it "Glitch". Not all original, but it was just for fun. The game starts off like it would after the Monika ending, but Sayori doesn't act the same. After school ends, Sayori drags you to her place. You wind up in her room, and you are becoming slightly confused. What happened? Where's Monika?

"Y/N.... I know it's you. You can't hide behind a fake name. I'm not a game character. This isn't a glitch." Sayori says in text. But you don't focus on that. You focus on her voice, and you suddenly aren't in your lonely, quiet bedroom. You are in Sayori's room.

She smiles. You gasp, and she looks concerned. "Oh gosh, you look..." Sayori trails off as you collapse onto her cold wood floor. All you see before passing out is her shouting and crying, and rushing you out of her bedroom. Maybe it was just a dream. Maybe I'll wake up...

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