Chapter 8.

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Harrys POV.

I woke up with a pounding in my head, i reached over and my arm searched for a body but all i got is pillows and blankets, i groaned and pulled over my blanket over my head.

I just really needed some water, so i rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the kitchen, after grabbing my water bottle i went to my bedroom and grabbed my phone, and saw that i dont have any messages or miss calls but it's also just 10;00am.

I decided to call Louis to check if he came home safely, but it rang twice before he ditched my call. It kinda hurt but at least I knew he was okay. 

So I called Ed instead to see if he wants to hang out. It rang one time before he answered it.


"Hi its me Harry"

"Oh hey Harry, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much, just woke up with a massive hangover,  but im wondering if you wanna hang out today?"

"Yeah sure, but im at work today, but you can just come down at the record store, you know where that is?"

"Yep, I know where it is, see ya in an hour? "

"Alrighty, bye Harry."

After I hung up I took a shower because I probably stink like alcohol from work. hehee..

On my way to Ed I texted Louis asking if he's alright, but I never really got a reply.

two hours later and im talking to Ed about Louis and how he's not answering me.

"But Harry, you have to see him then, do you know where he lives?"

I thought about it and realised that I've haven't been at his place yet. "Um no.. But as you know, I know where he works, because Marcel? "

"OH yeah, hey is he working today?" 

"Where you going with this Ed?"

"Im just thinking, maybe it'll be a good idea to see him and talk to him. Hey we should go get some coffee there, im on my break now anyways."

"I don't know Ed. I've a feeling that he doesn't really want to talk to me."

"Oh come on you twat, lets go see him."

"Ugh fine, but I don't know if he works today. "

20 minutes later we're standing in the line and I can see Louis and im kinda freaking out. I dont know what to do or say when I get the change to talk to him, I don't even know why he's ignoring me.

We finally got to the end of the line and anger rushed through me so I kinda pushed Ed to the side and said maybe a little to loud "Why the fuck are you ignoring me Louis? "

"What the fuck Harry, can't you see I'm working here?" Louis said annoyed, but I wasn't having any of that right now, I don't even know what's gotten into me, I guess that's what Louis do to me, makes me crazy even though we just met a few weeks ago. "I can see that, but I don't really care right now, why are you ignoring my calls and texts, did I do something wrong? "

"Harry for gods sake, can we please take this when I have my break?" just as I was about to answer Ed said "Harry, dude, I've to get back to work now, and since you pushed me away im expecting you to buy me coffee after you two have talked to each other, okay?"

"Sure." Ed was about to give me some money but I said "No Ed I pushed you so im buying you coffee for when I get back."

"Alrighty then. Have fun you two." Ed said and winked at us. "two coffees one black and one with milk." I told Louis.  He gave me the coffees "Im just gonna go sit down there till you have your break." I told Louis, he just nodded.

After a while, which felt like forever,  Louis came over to me and asked me "Wanna go outside for a fag?"  I was kinda surprised so I just stared at him for maybe a bit to long but I got up anyways. "Yeah, sure."

We walked outside, Louis took a fag out and light it up and handed it to me, he then took one out for himself,  and oh my god he looks so sexy doing that,  okay focus Harry.

"So are you gonna tell me why you've been ignoring my texts and calls?" I asked him a bit annoyed. "Harry, you're a really sweet person and all that, but seriously,  you're a liar and you need to sort your life out before we can date, or even be friends,  when you've sorted your life out, come back, you know where to find me." he then turned off his fag, on his way back in he turned around and gave me a soft smile and walked in. What the hell, I didn't know he could go deep, and im a liar? what does he know.

After standing at the same spot for like 5 minutes it started to rain. I then decided to walk back to Ed and halfway through I realised I forgot his coffee. Great Harry, just great, but I don't really care anymore. I walked into the record store to see no customers, no big surprise actually.

"Hey where's my coffee, im thirsty." Ed said in a childish way. "Im sorry Ed but I forgot it at the coffee shop, but you can have mine if you want?"

"Yeah sure thing, wait is there milk in it?

"Yes Ed, there's milk in it. It's not like I drink coffee without milk." I said sarcastically. "Ha ha Harry, you're so funny, just give it to me."


Ed and I have been talking about Louis and all other things for the past few hours, after Ed got off work we went to his apartment, and its soon time for me to start at work at the bar.

"Oh shit Ed, its 7pm its time for me to go to work,  wanna come? " Ed just looked at me before saying "Are you crazy, dude its Saturday of course I'm coming with you, as long as you buy me a few drinks. "

AN hope you all like it :)

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