Chapter 2.

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Harry wakes up and drags himself into the shower. He turns the tap on and the cold water comes out and he goes to the other side till it warms up. Ten minutes later, Harry dries off, he puts on a pair of dress pants, he puts on a collared shirt and a vest. He gels down his hair, and puts his glasses on. He takes one last glare at the mirror before he goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Soon enough Harry walks towards work. Harry gets to work and slips on an apron. He says a quick "Hello" to Liam as he takes his first costumer order.

After awhile Harry sees a young man, not to older than himself walk into the front door. He is wearing black skinny jeans, a Nirvana t-shirt on, and a beanie. His t-shirt was reviling his long sleeve tattoos. He have a lip and an eye piecing. He is holding a skateboard in is arms. Harry thought he was beautiful.

Harry sees him walk into the back. He waits till the young man comes back out with an apron on.

Harry walks up to Liam.

"Liam, who is that boy" Harry says and points at the young man

"Oh that is Louis Tomlinson, he works here part time, and goes to UCL, and hes 22. Why are you asking Marcel?"

Harry replies "Oh i was just wondering because he looks quite different"

Harry returns to the counter. Work was dragging along, and by now the smell of coffee was making Harry sick. He feels a tap on his shoulder and slowly turn around, and is met with Louis' face, not to far away from his. Harry's taken back, but he shows confidence as Louis spats in his face

"Who are you?"

Harry stutters " I-I¨m Marcel, and-and i-i just started working here"

Louis huffs "Well, stay out of my way"

Louis turns on his heels and walks away to another costumer. Harry may or may not have looked at his bum. The rest of the day, he couldn't stop staring at Louis. Just thinking of the sound of his voice, Harry thought it was angelic.


It's 5pm now and Harry's shift is soon over, and he sees a dark young man enter the coffee shop, and Harry is about to go take his order when he jumps over the counter into the back. Harry is all but stunned. Louis shouts "Zayn that was sick"

Zayn comes out while tiring an apron around his waist. The young man 'Zayn' says "Thanks man, hows work been for you?"

Louis looks around and can't see Marcel anywhere so he says "Well, there is a new worker here, and he is pretty weird"

Harry sighs, overhearing the conversion. He takes the apron off and throws it into the back and deciding it is time to leave.

He says a quick bye to Liam and walks back to his flat. He quickly texts Ed saying he just got off work and will be ready at 9pm.

When he gets home he takes a quick shower only to wash the gel out of his hair. He gets out of the shower drying his hair revealing his curls. He puts on a pair of skinny jeans, and a white v-neck that shows of his tattoos on his arm and the birds on his chest. He smiles at himself in the mirror. He goes to the kitchen, to make himself dinner.

----------- 5 hours later ------

Harry's head was spinning, and he looks up to find none other than Louis staring at him, with something in his eyes that Harry couldn't figure out. Louis starts making his way over to Harry, and Harry meets him halfway. They're now in the middle of the party, pressed up against each other.

Louis whispers in Harry's ear saying "I've been watching you all night"

"Oh, do you like what you see?" Harry says.

"Yeah i do. Wanna dance?" Harry nods and they dance for like an hour until they get tired. They makes their way to the bar, and orders two beers. Louis then asks Harry " Do you wanna go outside to get a fag?"

"Yeah i would like to"

They make their way outside and Louis pulls out two fags and lights them up and hands one to Harry.

"I'm Louis by the way, what's your name curly?"

Harry blushes "My name is Harry."

"Well Harry, i've haven't seen you around here, so are you new?"

"Yeah i am, i just moved here, i came here with my friend Ed Sherran, do you know him?"

Louis thinks about it "Yeah, isn't he ginger?"

Harry laughs and says "Yeah i kind of ditched him, to hang with you"

Louis smirks "Did you make the right choice?"

"Yeah i did, Ed was making out with a girl, so i was just kind of there"

"Well i ditched my friends, Niall and Zayn, too. Do you want to like, ditch the party, I know you're new around here but i know a park just down the street"

Harry says "Yeah that sounds good."

They both stomp out their fags. They walk to the park in a comfortable silence. When they get there, Louis gets on one of the swings, and Harry next to him, when Harry sits down on it Louis asks " So curly can i have your number?"

Harry smirks "Why?"

Louis smiles and says "I want to see you again."

"Give me your phone."

Louis quickly hands him his phone and Harry takes a selife and adds his number, and texts himself, and takes a picture of Louis and adds him to his contact. Harry feels his phone vibrate and he looks at it and sees Ed texts him saying 'Hey man, where are you? its time to go home' Harry frowns and Louis noticed it and ask "Whats wrong curly"

"Oh um, its time for me to leave, i will text you tomorrow"

Harry gets up to kiss Louis on the cheek and leaves. The kiss on Louis' cheek lingers and harry's lips tingle.


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