Chapter 13.

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Harrys pov.

Lou and I just pulled up the cabins driveway, i grabbed the suitcase and he grabbed the bags of food. We walked up to the door and I unlocked it, right when the door was open a musky scent hit us.

I coughed it out of my lungs while Lou pulled his shirt over his mouth and nose. I immediately dropped our suitcase and opened the windows and doors of the cabin so it wouldn't smell so strong when the other guests arrived.

I picked up the suitcase and walked past Louis who was in the kitchen packing our stuff away into the fridge and cabinets and walked into one of the bedrooms, placing the suitcase on the bed to claim this room and walked out to help Lou.

"Hey sweetums, need any help?" I asked and winked at him, causing him to roll his eyes but threw me two bags of chips to pack into the cabinets.

"This weekend is gonna be fun isn't it?" I ask, getting kind of nervous, what if people fight? What if we run out of food or can't agree on a movie? What if..

"Harry!" Lou yelled which interrupted my thoughts. "Everything will be fine, promise." He kissed my nose and I nodded, hoping he was right.

Not even an hour after we got there, Ashton and Eleanor arrived with pizza for dinner, along with Niall, Liam, Zayn and Zayn's girlfriend Perrie (No one invited her but the more the merrier I guess).

We all spread out on the couches and floor after finishing the pizza in the dining room. I wanted to sit next to Louis but when he was on his way over to me Eleanor and Liam sat on both sides of me.

He looks more angry than upset but he sat down on the chair where no one else could sit near him.

Halfway through the movie i looked over to see Louis staring at me, looking upset so i got from the couch.

"Where you going?" Eleanor asked me. i just ignored her and walked over to Louis, i lifted him up and sat down and pulled him on top of me. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

After the second movie Zayn and Perrie decided to go to bed, we said our goodnight's and set the 3rd movie on. Not even ten minutes into the movie Louis got an idea. "Why don't we go outside and light up the fireplace?"

"Yeah sure, im in, what about ya'll?" i asked them. They all agreed to do it.

"I'll just see if Zayn and Perrie are still awake, be right back." i walked over to the door and when i was about to knock i heard a moan and the bed shake, and i just couldn't stop laughing so i ran outside, laughing so hard that i could barely breath.

"OH GOD HARRY WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? " Niall and Liam said at the same time. "They're probably having sex in there, hahaha." They all started to laugh.

"We should go inside and annoy them. " Ashton said. We all looked at him, and the first person to say something was Louis. "Let's do it!"

We decided that we wanted to scare them, so we took on some masks that were laying around the cabin, and we threw some stuff on their window. After the 5th time we threw something on the window i could hear them talking and that was our clue, we walked up to the window and knocked on it, when Perrie looked out the window we started to say weird noises and she screamed so loud.

I began to feel bad for them but I was laughing too hard to make any attempt to stop it, Zayn's face was priceless and they just flipped us off and went inside to continue whatever they were doing.

By now it was past midnight and we wanted to go to sleep, because El and Ashton have to leave by 10, we all said our goodnights and me and Lou made our way to our room.

We got into our pajamas, and when Louis was about to put on a pajama shirt, I spoke up, "Hey Louis, do you mind leaving your shirt off, maybe, like if you want, I was just wondering..." I trailed off, feeling embarrassed.

"Haz, wipe the blush off your face and come cuddle your top half naked boyfriend" he winked and opened his arms.

I laughed a little too hard but went up and cuddled him until I fell into a deep sleep, with my sexy boyfriend in my arms.

AN. Sorry for the wait, but we weren't able to update. But hope you like it. :)

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