Chapter 14.

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Harry's POV.

I woke up with a face full of Louis hair. His back was pressed against my front and we were both on our sides. When my grip loosened from his waist he wiggled his hips to make me put them back.

"Lou," I laughed. "Its morning and I smell pancakes, so come on baby" He then turned around and groaned.

"Haz it's too earlyyyyy" He whined like a baby. His tattoos and piercings show him as a trouble maker when he really isn't at all.

I picked up my phone and checked the time, it showed "9:34 A.M." well it still kind of is early.

"Come on Lou, they already started breakfast and I want to get it while its hot"

"Okay okay, I'll get up." He mumbles as he peels his blankets off and heads for the door, with me close behind.


Breakfast ended and we were all extremely full. It was still before 11, and Eleanor and Ashton don't have to leave till 1.

"So, what do ya wanna' do for da day?" Niall asks us.

"I was thinking we could all hit the lake that I saw on our way here, its only 5 or so minutes down the road." Trying to act cool, but failing terribly.

Louis laughs and kisses my cheek, realizing that I am embarrassed.

"Sure, sounds fun. There isn't a cloud in the sky and its pretty hot." Zayn says.

"Alright, let's try to be out of the house in 30." Liam says.


By 11:30, we were all dressed in bathing suits and leaving the house. My eyes kept finding Louis' torso, because holy shit, he looks hot.

I decided to tease him back and take my shirt off, and continued to stretch my arms up, I immediately saw his eyes glued to me.

I winked at him and he blushes, obviously embarrassed about being caught.

We walked to our car and before Lou could reach the drivers side I ran by him, slapped his bum and got into the drivers side before he could register what happened.

He groaned and walked over to the passenger. Liam and Niall also got into the back seat, and Ashton, Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie shared one car too. That's so we didn't have to take three of the cars.


After 2 and a half hours of swimming everyone was exhausted and sunburned.

Eleanor and Ashton left after a quick shower when we got back from the lake and so that just leaves Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Lou, and I. Still a lot of us.

After everyone showered and put cream on their burns we decided to cook some lunch and sit down for some scary movies.

We all ate sandwiches, chips and cookies and the movies were getting scarier and scarier each time. By now it was 7 P.M., and we were just about to put in another movie when Niall says "I'm quite hungry for dinner, what can I make?"

I rolled my eyes because during all the movies we've watched sense lunch, Niall has been eating chips the whole time.

"Go put a frozen pizza in the oven, make two so we can all have that for dinner. " i said


By the time we had finished eating it was almost 9 and we were all pretty tired from today.

We all got along and we are all getting pretty close as well. I'm actually extremely glad I got us all together. Because now we all are pretty good friends.

AN thanks for reading, give us feedback, you can comment what should happen next :)

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