Chapter 7.

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Harry's POV.


My eyes creeped open revealing Louis, running around my room in search of something.

"Good morning to you, too" I smirked.

"Harry this isn't funny! I'm late for Uni!"

Realization flooded into my mind. Marcel. Louis. Uni.

"Oh shit, well erm here let me help you. What are we looking for?"

"Oh Harry don't wor-"

"Lou" I walk towards him. "Let me help, we don't want you to be later than you already are."

"I'm looking for my phone and shoes" He blushes.

"Okay, come on lets look,"


Within 15 minutes Louis was out of the house and I was rushing to the shower. Marcel could not be late and Louis will know something as soon as I walk into music, late.

I was out of the house, with my hair gelled, glasses on, khakis that flooded my ankles and a sweater vest.

I entered the classroom in a rush, extremely out of breath and clutching my water bottle. I muttered sorry to Mrs. Duncan and as I was about to take my seat I heard a voice shout my name.

"Marcel." Mrs. Duncan shouted.

I lifted my head to meet an angry professor, something you never want to see. "Yes ma'am?" my voice shook.

"Detention. After school, for being late." She sternly said.

"D-detention?" My whole body felt like it was on fire. Why did I even bother coming to school.

"Yes. Take your seat."

I did as I was told, and as I began to study my music notes, I heard a faint whisper in my ear,

"See you in detention, Marcy."

Louis has detention too? How else can this get worse.


History went by extremely fast and before I knew it I was outside of the detention room. Somewhere I never wanted to be, not even as Harry have I ever wanted detention.

I looked around, seeing Louis nowhere insight. I opened the door to see him plopped in one of the two chairs. His smirk pulled the air right out of my lungs.

I quickly looked down and kept my eyes on the floor as I walked over to the other chair, sitting as far away from him as possible.

Soon enough, our principle, Mr. Shepherd, walked in and watched us. I don't know why though, he should know me. I am never one for trouble.

"Boys" Mr. Shepherd said, which brought me out of my daydream. "I need to make a phone call, I'll be right outside so don't do anything dumb."

With that he walked out and we were alone.


I look over to see Louis staring at me.

"Why were you late?" he asks.

Shit. Quick make up a lie. "Oh! Oh that, erm well I was, uh just slept in I 'spose. Why were you?"

"Oh well my boyfriend and I were up until all hours of the morning doing all the stuff you've probably never even heard of. Have you ever done anything, Marcel?"

That lying twat. I decided to just turn my chair away from him, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Why would he say that? I don't underst-

"Okay, time to go" Mr. Shepherd said, as soon as he walked back in. I was out before he could finish his "have a nice day".

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