Chapter 1

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Rose POV

I rounded the corner at the academy's daycare just as my phone rang. Please don't be fucking Hans. I glanced down and Lissa's name flashed across my screen.

"Talk to me"

"Hey Rose, can you grab Cassy? I was supposed to pick her up but this royal meeting isn't gonna end anytime soon" she sighed into the phone. I know she was truly disappointed, lately Lissa hasn't been able to spend much time with Cassy because of royal duties, I know she misses her daughter.

"Of course, see you when I get back. Love you" she said a quick thanks and love you too before hanging up. As I approached the daycare door I noticed two people arguing on a bench nearby. O fuck me, its not? O but it is. God what did I do to earn this?

"Rose!" Tasha saw me before Dimitri and ran my way throwing her arms around me. I awkwardly hugged her back as Dimitri and I locked eyes. I broke eye contact and stepped back.

"Tasha, Guardian Belikov" I gave a sickeningly fake smile.

"What are you doing here?" None of your business nosey bitch.

"I came to pick up mine and Lissa's children" Tasha gasped.

"O my God, I didn't know you have a child. Now I feel really old, when and what's-"

"I really should be getting them and head back, I'll see you later" I tried to walk past but she stopped me.

"To the court? Me and Dimika really need to get there but the planes are full because of summer break and he doesn't want to drive" she shot Dimitri a death glare and I cringed at the stupid pet name she gave him. Stuck on a plane with them? It's like the universe hates me.

"Sure, let me just get the kids and we can head to the plane" she squealed in delight, fucking child. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes, I shot her a smile and walked through the daycare door. Waving to the teacher, I signed them both out and took their backpacks. Cassy looked a little sad, but ice cream when we got back would definitely help.

"How was school guys?"

"I'm definitely gonna miss it" Cassy said, aw she's definitely her mother's daughter.

"I'm just glad it's over now, I'm exhausted" yup that's all me right there, Serena was definitely my child. The big vocabulary came from Christian watching her and Cassy and teaching them random weird things. Typical Sparky.

When we got outside Cassy took off running right into Tasha's arms.

"Auntie Tasha!! Uncle Dimika" Serena hid behind me and I introduced her to Tasha and Dimitri. Tasha scooped up my child.

"Hi! You can call me auntie Tasha and him," she gestured to Dimitri, who looked incredibly uncomfortable. "Uncle Dimika" fucking ouch. That hit a little to hard. She was going to be calling her father, uncle. My daughter was let down and she came back to my side.

"Let's go shall we" this is going to be the longest plane ride of my life.


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