Chapter 15

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4 days later

Rose POV

A strong pain jolted me from my sleep. Fuck, the bed was soaked.

"Comrade," he was up in an instant, pain washed over me and I gripped his arm.

"You're in labor!" He quickly got up, scooping me into his arms and placed me on the bathroom counter, he quickly got me a change of clothes and helped me before grabbing everything. He scooped me into his arms again and carried me down to the car placing me into the passenger side.

"Call Lissa, and my mom." I breathed through another contraction. My mom had both Serena and Cassy, Lissa was getting used to a new baby and I was gonna pop any day. Dimitri spoke quickly with both people and offered me his hand as he drove. I squeezed it hard as I could as another contraction hit. We got to the court hospital and a nurse was already outside. Dimitri quickly rounded the car and lifted me up before gently lowering me into the wheel chair. I could hear Lissa barking orders at the doctors as soon as I was wheeled in.

"Calm down your majesty" she laughed at me.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" She studied me closely.

"Just peachy" she gave me a quick hug before I was wheeled off into a hospital room. I was doing a water birth, recommended by my OB, she said it would be the best considering everything. When I had Serena I was heavily drugged and not in wards, the spirit became to much and it was a very messy situation. With all precautions and extensive preparing, this should go smooth.

"Ok Rose, I'm gonna give you something for the pain. It should help a little bit, the doctor is going to come in soon to check everything" the nurse set up my IV and left, the contractions were hitting like a truck. I grabbed onto Dimitri. He kissed my forehead.

"Everything's going to be okay, Roza" I smiled, God I love this man. The doctor soon came in and checked.

"4 centimeters love, still sometime to go. If you can try walking around. I'll be back soon!" Holy shit, only 4?! I looked over at Dimitri and groaned. He gave me a small smile and helped me up, wrapping a arm around my waist. We entered the hallway walking towards the waiting room. Mia, Eddie, Adrian, Sydney, Lissa, Christian, Gabe and my mom with the girls all sat in the room, the girls fast asleep on one of the couches and Christian was feeding Gabe. Mia sprung up.

"How are you feeling?" I gave a small smile.

"Wonderful" sarcasm laced my words and everyone laughed.

"She's only four centimeters" Dimitri said. I leaned into him more, digging my nails into his hand as another contraction hit.

"It's gonna be a while" my mom commented and I nodded. This child was going to be the death of me. I walked around the room for a little while, talking with everyone. The pain increased and I was exhausted so I decided I needed to go lay back down. Dimitri helped me in bed and sat down with me. I snuggled into him and slowly drifted off to sleep.

6 hours later

"Seven centimeters, I'm gonna have some more meds administered. I'll be back soon" the doctor left again and I was just about ready to rip my hair out. I made Dimitri send everyone home and promised to call them back when something was about to happen. This kid just really liked it in there. I turned over onto my hands and knees and rocked back and forth. The pain vibrated through my body. Dimitri was on my side rubbing my back.

"Comrade the next time you want a piece of this. Use a fucking condom" I grit out between clenched teeth. He let out a warm laugh, the one I loved so much. It helped sooth me a little.

"She's a badass guardian and a comedian" he commented, that almost made me laugh.

"I'll be here all week, especially with how slow this kid is moving" another strong contraction hit and I let out a scream. "FUCK!" The nurse soon came in, adding more meds to my IV. She gave me some words of encouragement before leaving. I grabbed onto Dimitri's arm.

"I want to walk around the room" he nodded helping me up and wrapping his arm around my waist again. "I swear to whatever presence is above, if this kid doesn't come out soon I'm reaching up there and grabbing it!" Dimitri gave me a smile. A knock was heard on the door and in came Viktoria, Dimitri's little sister.

"Oh my God!" She screeched and ran over to us. She threw her arms around me and Dimitri and I gave her a small smile. I had Dimitri help me back in bed and she came and sat next to me. "I haven't see you in so long Rose! I just met Serena, she is adorable definitely has your attitude. She loves mom." I smiled at that, I knew Dimitri's family was coming soon to help with the baby and to meet Serena, I just didn't know how soon. "Everyone's still at Lissa's house but I had to come see you. How much longer do you think?" She was definitely excited about having another niece or nephew.

"I have no idea, but it feels like I'm being torn in half" she gave me a sad smile.

"Hopefully everything moves quickly, I can't wait to meet him or her! Dimika, Mom bought some of your old baby clothes up, Yeva has a feeling" he laughed at that and I now knew the gender of my baby. Yeva was hardly ever wrong, I was having a boy.

"Typical Yeva" he said shaking his head. Her phone rang and she quickly left the room.

"So it's definitely a boy, start thinking of some names comrade" he laughed stroking my hair.

"Mom needs groceries, she cooks when she's nervous. Don't have a baby without me, love you guys!" She hugged us both before leaving. The doctor soon came in to check.

"No progress, how are you feeling?"

"Frustrated. Tired. In pain." She patted my hand.

"It's just taking a little longer, hang in there" she left the room and I scoffed.

"My body is refusing to cooperate, why?!" I left out a frustrated grunt that soon turned into a pain filled one. God these contractions were going to be the death of me.


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