Chapter 13

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3 months later

Rose POV

"That's disgusting Rose" I scoffed, and looked at the creation in front of me. It was a dessert quesadilla with marshmallows, chocolate, ice cream and a little hot sauce.

"Um it's the baby, if that's what it wants that's what it's getting" I retorted sending a glare Christians way.

"That actually does look pretty good, let me try" Lissa snatched a piece before I could say no and I rolled my eyes. Us being pregnant at the same time was something else. I don't think I've ever cried this much, and Lissa has never been so mean. Ten times different than our last pregnancies. "So what color theme are you thinking?" I shrugged. Lissa and I were both planning our weddings for after we both gave birth. She was full on bridezilla, where I'm fine eloping. She would never let me though. "Rose! Get on it. This is serious, why are you always so careless" she snapped normally I would give back a smart remark, it wasn't that deep. But I felt tears well in my eyes.

"Lissa! Chill" Christian commented but it was too late. Lissa looked at me and sadness instantly filled her features.

"I'm sorry, it's the baby! I love you" she gave me a small smile, the tears were already pouring down my face though and I couldn't stop them. I hated showing weakness but something about this pregnancy was really tugging on my emotions.

"I know you don't mean it" I sniffled trying to stop the water works.

"Roza!" Dimitri entered the kitchen and I stood up throwing myself into his arms, he cradled me and whispered soothing Russian things like he always did. Over the past few months he'd gotten used to the crying. Though when I first broke down, he panicked and didn't know what to do. It was hilarious seeing him loose his cool and calm composure.

"Lissa was being mean" Christian said and I heard and auditable smack. He was used to her aggression at this point. "I swear it's like they swapped bodies" he muttered. My tears slowly stopped and Dimitri gave me a forehead kiss before we both sat down at the table again. Lissa gave me a hug and I hugged her back. She spoke an I love you through the bond and I smiled. Stupid emotions it wasn't even that deep.

"Now, let's plan these weddings" I rolled my eyes as she made Christian go get her supplies. She really kills me.


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