Chapter 5

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Rose POV

The meeting ended about thirty minutes ago, but I was talking to Hans about recruiting more guardians to the court. This was a very serious issue, if the strigoi were planning an attack we needed to be ready. My phone buzzed and Jason's name slide across my screen. He was sent out early to help Lissa out.

"Lissa needs you now" I said a quick okay before wrapping everything up and heading to her.

The room is in utter chaos and I see a very overwhelmed Lissa sitting on her throne, frantic moroi scream and yell trying to get her attention. I take my gun out and shot into the air. The room falls silent and all eyes are on me.

"Meeting officially over. Queen Vasilissa has to get some rest. Everyone out" I motioned for the guardians to start escorting people out. The room erupted into whispers as I made my way over to Lissa. She wrapped her arms around me and I slide my arms around her.

"What would I do without you Rose?" She smiled.

"Probably work yourself to death" she started laughing as we exited the room.

Dimitri POV

A very pissed off Abe Mazur stood before us. Fuck me. We scrambled off the couch and Tasha grabbed her shirt and threw it on.

"You have got to be fucking with me? What the fuck are you doing in this house?"

"Grandpa?" A sleepy Serena stood at the top of the stairs, rubbing her eyes. Fire lit in his eyes when he looked back at us.

"Go back to your room, papa will be up in a minute" Serena left and he moved closer. A snake stalking his prey, they called him Zemy for a reason.

"You two fucking degenerates, get the fuck out of my daughters house. You disgust me" Tasha cowered behind me as we moved out of the house, door slamming behind us.

"I can't-" I snapped.

"Tasha please fucking don't. Just shut up and go to Lissa and Christian's" I walked away before she could say anything. Court was safe enough for her, and Lissa's wasn't far. I walked all the way to the gym. It was empty and I got to work, taking my shirt off I started letting out all my aggression into the punching bags. Hands bloody and raw but I didn't notice. I also didn't notice someone had entered until I felt there presence behind me.

"Tasha don't" I turned to see it wasn't Tasha, but Roza. I softened and went to apologize but before I could get a word out, her fist connected with my jaw.


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