Chapter 11

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Rose POV

I came to and my vision was blurry, eventually it came into focus and I saw that I was still in Jason's apartment. Just tied to one of the chairs. I looked around and saw Jason knocked out in the corner also tied to a chair. What the fuck, my mouth was covered with tape and I struggled against the ropes. Just my fucking luck.

"Well, well look whose awake" Jesse? Fucking Jesse!? He ripped the tape off my mouth and I fought the urge to scream out. "She's awake!" He called to someone in the next room, out sauntered Tasha's slimy ass.

"Tell the guardians to bring them in" Tasha came close to me with another needle and I squirmed in my ropes. "This is to keep you under control" she gave me a evil smile. "Surely you didn't think you were going to get away with disrespecting me, Roza?" She mocked the nickname Dimitri gave me, fucking bitch. The drugs started to hit, the room pulsed around me.

"Your a fucking bitch," I stammered out. She drew her hand back and slapped me, her hand felt like fire when it touched my skin thanks to her fire magic. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a scream. "All that time with Dimitri and you hit like a little bitch" she slapped me again, with more force and heat. I still wouldn't scream.

"You should really learn when to shut your mouth sweetie, that pretty little face of yours might get messed up" she lit fire in her palm just as the door opened. Two guardians dragged a drugged Sydney and Adrian in, they were thrown in the corner as they started to come too.

"Since everyone's here let's get this party started, go make sure Ray is on the grounds" Jesse spoke to one of the guardians and he left, Ray? Who else was in on this. My head started to throb and my vision went in and out. What was in that needle? The guardian handed Jesse a silver stake. "Let's start with lover boy over here. Hey mate, wake up" he slapped Jason a few times and he jolted awake, straining against the ropes. Tasha went and stood by Jesse.

"Shouldn't have gotten close to Rose, everyone who does just ends up getting hurt" Tasha spat out and looked back over to me. Jesse looked at the silver in his hand and raised it. I glanced over at Sydney and Adrian who were now fully awake, please Syd have a spell to help us out.

"You guys are always using these, ever wonder how it feels to be staked by one ?" He slid it down Jason's face before lifting it above his shoulder. You sick fuck.

"NO!" I screamed just as he brought it down and plunged the stake into Jason's chest. He slowly started to spit up blood, life leaving his eyes. Suddenly Adrian and Sydney sprung up, Adrian was quick to act and put the guardian in a trance then Tasha and Jesse, Sydney ran to my side and began to untie my ropes. "Adrian, heal him if you can." Adrian walked over before ripping the stake out and getting to work. Sydney helped me up when the door slammed open. Ray, in strigoi form along with the guardian bounded in the room. "Stake!" Adrian threw it to me and got back to work, I stumbled away from Sydney and ran towards Ray, Sydney sent the guardian up in flames and I fought the dizziness and punched Ray in the jaw. Whatever they gave me really messed me up though cause he quickly regained composure and grabbed me. He had my neck in his hands and I tried to swipe the stake at him. He grabbed my hand and crumpled it, lifting me off the ground I saw my life flash before my eyes.

This was it, I was going to die.


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