Chapter 3

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Rose POV

I jumped down as we reached the front of the plane. Hans and Alberta were on the screen in front of me.

"Hello Guardian Hathaway" Alberta greeted me.

"Guardian Petrov, Hans" he grumbled and I smiled, it makes my heart warm pissing him off. "Why am I being blessed with your presence mid flight?"

"Academies all over the world have been reporting security breaches, numerous amounts of strigoi attacks. We think it's just a warm up for the court. So we decided the queens head quardian should be briefed on the situation" I nodded as Alberta was talking. Fucking blood thirsty fuckers.

"So when you land immediately report to guardian headquarters so we can have a formal meeting, you too pretty boy" he gestured to Jason who was standing in the corner. He just smiled and nodded. "Goodbye" he hung up the phone before I could say anything and I rolled my eyes. Fucking Hans.

"What a massive douché" Jason laughed.

"Can not argue with you there Poesie" he returned to his post and I checked the time. I walked to the back of the plane, ewww. Tasha and Dimitri has the audacity to be kissing, Jesus take me now.

"Clean up girls we're gonna be landing soon" they cleaned the floor and settled in there seats, I buckled them up and sat back bringing my phone out. I started reading, we had about thirty more minutes.

Soon the pilot announced over the speaker we would be landing in five. I looked over to see the girls fast asleep. Wonderful. The plane touched the ground and I looked at the two sleeping children, Dimitri went to get up but Jason came back and swooped then both up. I smiled at him and he looked at me.

"What?" He asked with a smirk.

"Nothing, just adorable is all" he laughed and I joined, Of course Tasha had to join in. Someone fucking help. We walked to the cars.

"You guys are staying with Lissa right?" Tasha nodded.

"Sparky's teaching defensive magic and Lissa's running late. Guardian Vickson will take you guys to my house. He has to report to a guardian meeting though, could you look after the kids? They should be out for a while."

"Of course!! Absolutely no problem!" Ugh you cheerful bitch. I gave a fake smile before giving Jason the keys to my house then getting in the truck to head to the guardian headquarters. Let's get this shit done.


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