Chapter 12

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Dimitri POV

I checked the clock, it was getting pretty late and Rose still wasn't back. I went upstairs and got dressed in typical guardian attire and made sure to have my stake. I packed an overnight bag for Serena and came back downstairs.

"How about a sleep over at Auntie Liss" Serena smiled and nodded. I scooped her up and swiftly walked to Lissa. I knocked and a guardian answered the door, side stepping letting me in. Cassy came running around the corner and I put Serena down, they ran off somewhere and the guardian showed me to Lissa's office.

"Dimitri! I was just about to call you" Headmistress Kerova sat in the chair in front of her desk and Christian stood behind Lissa. "We have a big problem, Rose is in trouble"

"What happened, she's been gone all day?" Lissa shed a tear and Kerova started talking.

"I have my underground listeners around the academy, when dealing with sneaky teenagers you have to find ways to get information. Anyhow, I hired Jesse Zelkos to be a history teacher but I had a funny feeling about him. So I had him watched, no more than about a week ago he put in his notice and I was really interested. I snooped and found him and Tasha together, soon found out they were lovers." That actually explains a lot, she had been acting really weird. "I heard he came to the court a few days ago, when we were cleaning his room we found hundreds of pictures of Rose. The eyes scratched out, ripped up. He left a notebook behind with detailed notes about how he would one day get his revenge. I had to bring it here immediately, but I fear I'm too late" That sick little fuck. Rage burned in my body, how could you hold a grudge for this long.

"Dimitri, do you know where Rose could be? Where did she say she was going" Lissa tried to keep her composure but tears were streaming down her face.

"She went to Jason's, to talk to him. But she's been gone for so long" Lissa called to one of her guardians.

"Check the cameras by Guardian Vicksons apartment right now." The guardian nodded before leaving the room. My Roza, please be okay. The guardian quickly came back with an open laptop.

"The camera shows Guardian Hathaway going in, but then they are cut off after that." Fuck.

"I'm going right now" I turn out the door before anyone can stop me, Lissa starts barking orders but I'm already gone.

Rose POV

I hear Adrian shout to Sydney to help, but it's too late. I have to accept this is my end. My vision is filled with black dots.

Suddenly the door slams open and I'm instantly dropped to the ground. I'm scooped up off the ground. I'm in Dimitri's arms.

"My Roza," he's stroking my hair and kissing my forehead. I lift my head to see Ray's dead body on the ground, stake through his heart. Guardians swarm the room, Christian is barking orders and Lissa runs to my side. I feel so weak I smile at both of them before slipping into unconsciousness.

"Mommy!" I'm jolted away by my child tugging on my arm. I smiled down at her and scoop her up, looking around the room. I'm in Lissa's bed, Dimitri sits in a chair next to me and gives me a smile when he sees I'm awake. He calls for Lissa, and her, Christian and Cassy come in. All coming over and smothering me. I'm quickly caught up on everything.

Tasha and Jesse are in prison awaiting trial, Christian is still in shock and I can tell he hurts. He made a snarky remark about everyone in his family being evil, but I know somewhere deep down he truly believed that. Jason is now bonded to Adrian, yup shadow kissed, just like me. It's going to take them a little while to get used to it, but they have me and Lissa to learn from. Everything was on its way back to normal, and I have the man I love back at my side. After assuring everyone I was more than fine, Lissa insisted on keeping Serena so I could spend some time with Dimitri. We walked out hand in hand and he pulled me closer.

"I'm so grateful you're okay Roza" I smiled up at him.

"I'm grateful you saved me Comrade, I plan to show you just how grateful when we get back" he laughed, that warm deep laugh that I loved and quickly scooped me in his arms.

"Let's not waste anytime then"


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