Chapter 14

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9 months later

Rose POV

I felt panic flood the bond and instantly shot up from my sleep. I hit Dimitri and he was up and ready for anything.

"Roza, Roza what's wrong?"

"Lissa's in labor we have to go now!"

Lissa POV

"See I don't understand why they don't just use there magic for everything" I looked up at Christian and rolled my eyes.

"Personal gain! We've been watching this for 3 seasons already, get with it" he rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before returning his attention to Charmed. I decided laying down wasn't comfy anymore, I maneuvered my super pregnant body so that I was sitting in Christians lap, head on his shoulder. He gave me an amused look.

"Comfy?" I nodded and smiled kissing him on the lips. "You know what we could do-" he couldn't finish because a gush of water left me and flooded his lap. "Maybe we'll have to postpone sex time" I laughed a little embarrassed.

"Sorry about your pants" he picked me up and carried me to the room.

"Don't sweat it, wouldn't be the first time I've been wet because of you" he gave me a killer smile and I blushed, he placed me on the bed before starting to get things ready. He brought me clothes and helped me change, the first contraction hit and I gritted my teeth.

"Don't forget Cassy's bag! And can you grab me water, DID WE PACK ENOUGH BLANKETS" panic courses through me as I start thinking of a million things. I think I'm having a panic attack. "Call Rose! Call her right now! I need her, and get Cassy ready! Where's Rose!?" I started crying.

"I'm right here calm it down" Rose waddled in just as pregnant as I am.

"I called the doctor, she's ready for you don't worry" she came and sat next to me on the bed and I wrapped my arms around her. "And Dimitri is getting Cassy and putting her in the car with Serena. Guardian detail is already surrounding and in the hospital and you'll have an escort to the hospital. Me and Dimitri will be right behind you!" Another contraction hit and I gripped Rose's hand.

"Hey sparky, hurry it up" Rose called and Christian returned to the foot of the bed everything in his hands.

"Let's do this" Rose helped me down the stairs, Eddie, an old friend of ours stood at the door a smile on his face. He took the bags from Christian and I quickly hugged him.

"Ready to have another baby?" He asked, I smiled and nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Christian scooped me into his arms and carried me to the truck. Eddies loaded things in the back and then slid in the drivers seat, another guardian sat in the passenger. I gripped Christians hand and let out a groan. The contractions were hitting harder. The car moved swiftly as Eddie maneuvered through the court roads.

2 Hours later

"Alright, lets get ready to push" the doctor switched my position from on my back to on my knees. Something about the baby's position moved so I had to. I rested my sweaty forehead against the bed and gripped Christians hand. God this fucking hurt.

"1...2...3, push" I pushed as hard as I could screaming every profanity I could, not very queen like. Christian rubbed my back and murmured encouraging words in my ear.

"Let's go again. 1...2...3, push!" I pushed again, hard as I could tears streamed down my face.

"I can't anymore, I can't" my hair was stuck to my forehead and the back of my neck, coming out of the pony tail I put it in before the excruciating pain began.

"You can do this! I love you so much, you are so strong, a few more pushes" Christian murmured in my ear holding my hand tighter.

"Come on mama, two more pushes and you're gonna have you beautiful baby in your arms. Ready, 1...2...3, push!" I pushed one more time screaming bloody murder. Panting I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"One more! 1...2...3, PUSH!" I let out a guardian worthy battle cry and my baby was out. I heard the crying, I was quickly shifted and handed my baby. It was a boy I smiled down at the beautiful creature in front of me. My beautiful baby boy. Christian smiled down at us.

"What should we name him?" Christian asked, he was the perfect little angel.

"Gabriel?" I looked up and he nodded smiling.

"Gabriel" the doctors soon took the baby away to get everything taken care of and it was time to deliver the placenta. That alone felt like giving birth to a second baby. After everything was done, I was cleaned up. Christian put my hair back up for me and went to go check on Gabriel. A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in!" Rose, Eddie and Dimitri came in. Eddie and Dimitri each carrying a sleeping child. Rose hurried to my side before throwing her arms around me. The sleeping kids were put in the big comfy recliner next to my bed.

"How was it?" I laughed.

"Besides being ripped in half, pretty fucking great" everyone laughed and Rose fake gasped.

"Did Queen Vasilissa Dragomir just curse?"

"You should've heard her pushing the kid out" Christian scoffed as he came back in the room. I gave him a smile, a nurse followed behind him with a small cradle with Gabe in it. Christian scooped up our
child before giving him a small kiss and handing him to me. The baby stirred a little and Rose grabbed his little hand.

"What name did we decide?" She asked looking at Christian and I.

"Gabriel, I think we should let Cassy pick the middle name" I looked at Christian and he smiled and nodded. The nurse came back in the talk about formula or breastfeeding with me and Christian, I handed Gabe to Rose. Eddie and Dimitri both started making baby noises at him. It was almost comical, big bad guardians.

"Bottle feeding would probably be best, Liss. With all the queen stuff and everything" Rose said, I nodded agreeing.

"She's right, I'll do that" the nurse nodded writing stuff down before exiting the room. Rose came over and handed me Gabe back.

"He has the Dragomirs eyes" Dimitri commented. I smiled.

"They always do, if the next ones eyes aren't blue I might loose it" Christian said with an small smirk.

"You pushing the next one out?" I asked and everyone laughed. The girls woke up and were excited to meet the new baby. We got plenty of pictures and before we realized it was 5pm. The day would be starting soon. I was dead. Everyone started leaving promising to be back later. Gabe was taken to the nursery so me and Christian could get some sleep. He snuggled next to me in bed.

"You did good my love" I smiled and laid my head on his chest, soon falling asleep.

1 week later

"This is absolutely stunning!" I hugged Adrian and Sydney, the presents were endless from them. "You guys are the best" Adrian smiled.

"Anything for the beat cousin in the world" Gabe started crying in Sydney's arms and she started rocking him back and forth. Christian came in with a bottle and burp cloth handing it to Sydney.

"You are a natural Sage, I think it's time we have one of our own" Sydney laughed, but her aura showed excitement.

"Maybe" she commented. There was a knock on the doorway. Guardian Vickson, Adrian's now shadow kissed guardian entered. I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

"Your gonna be late for dinner with your parents" Adrian rolled his eyes and nodded before getting up,

"If only I could get hit by a car instead of eat with these people" Guardian Vickson shook his head laughing as he left the room, saying goodbye to Christian and I. Sydney handed the baby over to Christian before both of them said goodbye. I walked them to the door waving as they got into their car and drove off. I came back and saw Christian putting the baby down in the bassinet.

"Lets go take a bath together" I smiled and nodded grabbing the baby monitor before heading upstairs.


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