Chapter 6

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Rose POV

I got Lissa home and her maids were drawing her a bath. She definitely needed some distressing, I told her I would be back with Tasha and Dimitri and the kids before heading out. Two guardians were posted out front, something new that I had put into effect. I nodded at them before starting the short walk to my house. With all the shit going on I might have to move back in with Lissa for a while. I know she hated being on such lockdown, but it's what's best especially right now. I soon arrived at my house and opened the door. My dad was sitting on the couch reading to the girls.

"Hey old man, where's Dimitri and Tasha?" He shot me a look before promising to be right back to the girls, he put the TV on and dragged me to the kitchen.

"THEY DID WHAT?!" I was fuming, anger rolled off of me in waves. I can't fucking believe this shit.

"Would've been worse if I didn't get here when I did" I was ready to rip heads off.

"Watch the kids please, I'll be back" I took off out the front door. I was on a mission.

"Woah Rose, if looks could kill" Sparky laughed as he passed me and I just ignored him, he tried to get my attention but I moved too fast. I knew exactly where this fucker was. On my way to the him I saw that slut on a bench crying. What the fuck are you sad about?! My couch has your nasty fucking germs on it. She sprang up.

"Rose! I'm-" my fist connected with her face and she crumpled to the ground.

"You are a fucking dirty bitch" I walked right past her and continued my journey. I got the the gym and there he was. Focused on the punching bag infront of him. I stood behind him and he made the mistake of thinking I was Tasha before turning around. My fist connected with his face and he recoiled in pain. I tried to throw another punch but he dodged it. My foot connected with his ribs and he yelped in pain. "Maybe you should train more instead of catering to sluts" I launched my body into his and we fell to the mat. "I can't fucking believe you" venom laced my words and I brought my hand back up. He grabbed me and flipped us over holding onto me.

"Roza I'm so sorry. God look at you, your eyes" his face softened "This isn't you! This is the darkness. Fight it Roza" I slipped from beneath him. The darkness was about 95 percent of me right now, the other 5 was just straight anger. I stood up, he slowly got to his feet.

"My name is Rose. Guardian Hathaway, head guard of the queen to you, Belikov." I ran from the gym out into the warm air. Tears stung my eyes and I tried to fight them back. I ran to Jason's, pounding on the door. He threw it open and I ran into his arms.

"Don't cry Poesie" I sobbed into his arms.


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