Stolen flowers

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Tw: mentions of death
I edited some grammar mistakes
Alex POV
I hummed as I approached the familiar mansion, the variety of flowers overwhelming me as if it was the first time I saw the house, the bushes rose above the white fence that surrounded the house
I walked around the house picking some flowers now and then, I got three red roses, a sunflower, two belladonna lilies, four azaleas and as I approached the porch I grabbed a handful of her favorite: carnations, they were delicate, elegant and complicated just as she was; while trapped in my thoughts i didn't notice a man approaching me until he cleared his throat, which startled me
"Excuse me, but I would like to know if you are aware this is privarte property" he crossed his arms "and if you are then why are you taking this flowers?"
"A-ammm yes, yes I am but even if I wasn't it's not your business if I take or not this flowers"
I turned to walk away but his hand clasped my wrist
"Not so fast fella, it turns out it is my business, you see, this is my garden and I have seen you here several times, taking MY flowers" he pointed the plants I was clutching with my left hand "so I've decided that this time I'll go with you to at least know the girl is pretty enough for you to tear my garden apart"
"Look fella there's no need to, could you please release my hand?"
"Oh no, I insist, please lead the way"
I realized there was no way out of this so I started walking
"You know?, you could just have asked me to stop the first time you saw me" I turned around to see him "but seriously, let go of my hand I won't run away"
He released my hand and kept walking by my side; oh god he was ripped, his tight t-shirt let me see his 6 pack clearly and his arms were so gorgeous, god; he took me out of my thoughts as he talked
"Well, I guess I should introduce myself, Thomas Jefferson" he stopped and turned to see me " a pleasure to meet you, I guess"
"Alexander Hamilton, sorry for stealing your flowers" I extended my hand and he shook it "now let's keep moving we're almost there"
We passed a Starbucks and he motioned for me to get in
"C'mon I wanna meet this girl"
"Wtf are you talking about?" I kept walking "I said almost, besides I never said we'd go to Starbucks"
He looked beyond confused but followed me, half a mile later we reached the cemetery
"Follow me quietly" he looked shocked "and don't you dare pity me"
We walked through tombstones until we reached the ones I now had memorized
"Stay back and don't step on them"
"Them?" He looked at me "there's more than one?"
"Yes, now shut up"
I approached Eliza's and kneeled as I put one rose on the ground
"Hey Liza, how're you? I hope you are enjoying yourself and traveling as much as you wanted here , I know i haven't been here in a while but I need to tell you I have a new apartment and I've been sleeping at least six hours a day and eating twice a day, full meals like you always forced me" I laughed bitterly "I miss you my love"
I moved to Phillip's and placed the other two roses
"hi little man, i got you a little present so you can entertain yourself up there" i took a poetry book, a diary and a quill out of my pocket a tear escaping my eye "you know? You really were a poet, I've been reading your diary, there's too much blank pages, but you were right writing with a quill is way better than normal pens, happy birthday 15 little man, I try to stay strong for you, I really do"
A sob wrecked my body as I crawled to Angie's tumb
"Look baby" I twirled a lily in between my fingers "a lily, I know how much you loved them so I guessed you would like one" tears fell out of my eyes and into the ground "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been driving in the snow you were right, I'm sorry baby"
Thomas POV
I saw as Alexander cried in what I assumed was his wife and children graves, poor guy, he stood up once again and I was more than ready to leave but I saw him walking to yet another tombstone, the ones in front of me had the names of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, Phillip Hamilton and Angelica Hamilton all of them were his family but the one he stood on now said
'John Laurens, he will be missed'
Nothing more, I saw Alexander place the sunflower and cry moving quickly to the next ones
'George Washington, dear father and husband
The light of his love will shine as long as his loved ones live'
'Martha Washington great mother and wife
Reunited with her husband and cat
Awaits for her son'
Geez that almost sounds as if she wants him to die, Alexander placed the belladonnas and the azaleas
"I miss, just call me son one last time, please"
He stood up and cleaned his eyes the carnations untouched
"Let's go, we lack some one"
I followed him into the worst part of the cemetery, mud instead of grass and the graves of forgotten ones, we stopped next to a little one, if you didn't look closely you'd likely miss it, but there it was
'Rachel Hamilton'
Not even a 'she will be missed', instead there were scratches in the stone saying things as:
'Whore', 'won't be missed', 'probs in hell'
Wow, what the hell?
Alexander put the carnations in front of it
"Hi mom, I miss you, you left too soon as I always say; I hope dad's dead already, that way you'll kick his ass up there, ha, see you soon mom"
His tears increased as he read all the scratches there were on her grave
"Those idiots, they didn't know her, she was the sweetest woman to ever walk this earth!, and they just refused to help her because she had me, a child! God who dares deny a bleeding woman to a hospital just because she's got a child?, I hate them"
He stood up and turned to me
"I hope the 'girl' was pretty enough for you" he started walking away "now leave me alone, I won't go to your garden anymore"
"Wait!" I rushed to catch up with him "you can take all the flowers you want if you let me take you out for coffee and talk about it, it seems like you need it"
He nodded and we started walking towards the Starbucks we first saw
*time 🎿 skip*
After we ordered we sat to talk for at least two hours, turns out he's pretty cool and smart
"Thomas, I've had a great time but I have to go, see you around"
"Yeah...wait" I scribbled my number in his hand "maybe we can talk some other time?"
He leaned up and pecked my cheek
"See ya around"
I think I like him
WC: 1222 words
Hi guys! I hope you appreciate the garbage, I HATE it 😄😄😄, anyways thank you for reading
Love you all 💗💛💙

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