The only exception

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Tw:mentions of sex, implied smut, alcohol and abuse
When I was younger I saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind
Two boys stand kilometers apart, facing each other, backs against the door and tears in their eyes as they hear screams outside of their rooms
Alexander in Nevis ,poor, small and skinny; the door he stands against is small and fragile, the wood has termites, darkness surrounds him because his family can't pay for a lightbulb, there's a mattress on the floor in which he and his brother sleep in
His father had drunk too much again and cheated on Alexander's mother; Alex heard a knock on the door after the screaming stopped, when he opened the door his father was standing there
"Get your things Alex, we're leaving" he said as he crouched in front of him "James is already waiting outside"
"But... what about mom?" His father frowned "we're not gonna leave her are we?"
"Listen Alex, your mother and I... we are having troubles, I need some time alone"
"But you are the one who cheated" anger flashed in his father's eyes " I'm not leaving mom behind"
"Alex, we need to go and I want you to come with me" he grabbed Alex 's hand " Please"
"I said I'm not leaving mom behind!" Alex took his hand away "now leave!!!"
"FINE! You know what?! I didn't want you to live like scum, BUT IT TURNED OUT TO BE YOU ARE SCUM!! AND YOU DESERVE TO LIVE IN MISERY" Tears fell from both Alex and his father's eyes "AND NOW YOU ARE GONNA DIE HERE WITHOUT HAVING ACHIEVED ANYTHING!!"
Thomas in Virginia rich, tall and well fed
His door is thin and elegant but strong at the same time, the glass chandelier that hangs from the ceiling projects golden light into his face, he runs to his bed that is covered in feather duvets, the noise is completely gone because of the thick walls, his father is hitting his mother because she tried to leave him again, his dad said it hurt him too when he hit her but Thomas wasn't so sure, even if his dad cried when his mother told him she was leaving Thomas was sure his mother was hurting more than him, the hits and nasty words leave scars
Both boys cry that night
He broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it
Alexander watched as his father bought a bigger house and distanced himself from everybody until one day he wasn't there, he had left Nevis and left with Alex's brother
Thomas sat silently during dinner one fateful night, he was surrounded by his equally silent family, his mother had a swollen eye, busted lips and a broken nose everyone was looking at their laps except for their father who was eating calmly as if beating his wife was normal, when the door was kicked open
There stood his uncle who ran directly to his father and started punching him before anyone could react, some minutes later the police arrived to arrest Thomas' father, someone in the family had found out of how his father treated his mother so his uncle decided to take matters into his hands, the house and most sources of income luckily belonged to his mom so they didn't lose any wealth but the physical and emotional damage stayed, his mother became like a zombie
Both boys lost their fathers that night
An my momma swore that she would never let herself forget
Alexander stood in front of his mother's door, the moans and pants escaping the room, this was something that happened a lot, his mother started having a lot of one night stands after his father left, she claimed 'I won't stop enjoying life because of one bad experience, that doesn't mean I want a new partner though' not compromising kept her safe from heartbreak, but Alex knew that it was more than just one night stands, it was his mother's income source, some time passed an old man had come by, a sick old man who had made both Alex and his mother sick too, between feverish dreams and delusions Alex noticed the cold body next to him and he noticed the room lacked a heartbeat
Thomas stood tall in a black suit, he was looking at the floor until the priest took him out of his mind, Thomas offered a big smile as he gave the rings to his mom and stepfather, the light in his mother's eyes was back
Alex lost his mother that night
Thomas got her back
And that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if does not exist
Alex looked at the graveyard in front of him, a poor funeral, he despised the men who had hurt his mother
Thomas cuddled between his mom and stepdad who look at each other lovingly, and he realized this was what he wanted, nothing else
Both boys decided ephemeral romances were not worth it
But darling you are the only exception
Despite their decision both had a few of their own, Alex had had passionate relationships with John Laurens, Lafayette, John Andre and Elizabeth Schuyler but ended up deciding he loved them all too much to expose them to the dangers of love
Thomas had sweet, soft relationships with James Madison, Lafayette and Martha Wayles but he decided they were better friends than lovers
But You are the only exception
Then they met, the fire in Alexander's eyes captivated Thomas but the harshness of Alexander's words yelled at him to stand back
The passion in Thomas' words convinced Alex that Thomas was the one but Thomas' tendency to run when faced with trouble warned him to stay away
But you are the only exception
But human emotions are interesting because  fear may get confused with curiosity,  sadness can get intermingled with anger, and hate... oh unless that hate is the purest kind that contains anger and repulsion,it can spark love
But you are the only exception
And both ignored the voices in their heads yelling at them when they held hands for the first time, when they kissed for the first time
When they realized they loved the other for the first time
Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul that love never lasts
Alex knew it would end someday but he hoped it lasted as long as he was allowed to have Thomas in his arms
Thomas decided he would protect Alex for as long as Alex let him
And we got to find other ways to make it alone and keep a straight face
Alexander didn't know what to do when he feared Thomas was cheating on him so he became distant, he tried to forget the love he held for him
And I've always lived like this
Thomas was afraid Alex had gotten tired and tried to hold him close
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
But Alex soon found out he was no longer comfortable with sitting alone, with cold hands and empty lips and he wanted nothing more than Thomas
But you are the only exception
Thomas' hair
But you are the only exception
Thomas' eyes
But you are the only exception
Thomas' hands
But you are the only exception
That was the only thing in his mind when he knocked on Thomas' door and lunged forward as soon as the man himself opened the door, lips against lips, chest against chest, hands roaming bodies, hot breathing and closed eyes filled the almost nonexistent space between them
I've got a tight grip on reality but I can't let go of what's in front of me here
Thomas could not believe his eyes, he was convinced Alex left forever but here they were, limbs intermingled and open hearts
He ran his hands through Alexander's hair to remind himself this was real, everything in him clinger to Alex as they tore their clothes
Thomas Took Alexander to his room and laid him on his bed, slowly took both their clothes of and buried his head in Alex's neck, his hands traveled to Alexander's hips and brought him close
After they came down from their highs they cuddled close
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream
"Alex" Thomas whispered into the night "I know you will probably leave tomorrow but please let me some kind of sign to know this wasn't just a vivid dream"
"Tommy, I won't leave, I will never leave you again because You are the only exception"
"You are the only exception for me too Alex I've finally found who I was looking for"
"You are the only exception" Alex repeated

"You are the only exception" Thomas declared a few years later when he asked Alex to move in
"You are the only exception" Alex said as he proposed
"You are the only exception" thomas promises in his vows
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
They held close when they adopted their first child
"Let's call him Phillip" proposed Alex "Eliza's father is called that way and he is a successful man"
"If we're deciding between successful parents I would suggest George" Thomas looked down at Alex "He's almost your dad"
And I'm on my way to believe it
Neither could believe their luck, and that brought troubles, the lack of self esteem made them face many challenges but the conviction of their love made them the exception
It wasn't luck, destiny or magic
It was long conversations, trust and conviction
Oh and I'm on my way to believe it
A/n: I'm kinda back ,sorry for the absence, school's a bitch but I've been working in this for a long time and I just wanted to finish this shot already
Wc: 1682 words

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