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My love,

How are you?

It feels hollow to ask that, when I know I won't hear the answer.

I want you to be well. I wish it with all I have. 

But it hurts. It hurts to think that you could be happy without me. Because I know I can't be happy without you. 

And you're not here, so I'm not well. I'm not well at all.

I want to scream it, scream it so loud that everyone can hear it. So that you can hear it. Wherever you are. 

If you heard it, would you come back?



Jin froze when he heard her name, and he could feel Namjoon shifting at his side, trying to look at the crowd. Trying to see if it was really her. He could feel Jungkook's wide eyes on him, gauging his reaction.

Or rather, his lack of reaction. 

Because Jin was frozen in place. His eyes were blurred, his hands raised mi-air, halfway to his drink, his mouth slightly open in shock.

"Hyung?" Jungkook barely whispered, looking straight at Jin, while Namjoon stretched his neck to the right to get a better look.

And finally, Jin unfrozed from his state and shrugged. 

"It's not her." He stated, voice almost shaking, not even bothering to look up, his eyes focusing on his drink.

He knew it wasn't her. After all these years, there was no way she'd randomly end up in the same club as him, in a city she didn't even live in. 

Jungkook's neck twisted in the direction where Hoseok was still pointing, mouth open. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see better.

"I can't see. I think you got it wrong," Jungkook said, because he couldn't see anything that remotely resembled Jin's former girlfriend.

And, if he was honest, even if he did see her, he wasn't so sure that Jin seeing her would be such a great thing. It had been three years, and a lot had happened in those three years.

"I'm sure it's her. Behind the guy with the green shirt. She's talking to the tall guy in the black jacket," Hoseok went on, ignoring the way Jin was staring at their table, trying to hold himself together. Trying to not raise his hopes, just to have them crash down and burn if he looked up and didn't meet her dark eyes.

But holding on is a hard thing to do when you've been falling apart for three years.

"Oh, I see," Namjoon said, sounding incertain. "It does look like her."

Jin reached out his hand to his drink, grabbed it and emptied it in a single sip. He put his glass back on the table and stared at the ashtray beside it. 

She had always hated the smell of cigarettes. She avoided places that allowed them inside like the plague. So, it couldn't be her. 

And Jungkook couldn't see her. He was the one that knew her the most out of them four, except for Jin. So, it couldn't be her.

It couldn't be her. Jin repeated it in his mind again and again, like a prayer. A prayer that felt like a curse.

But then Jungkook stretched his neck over Namjoon's shoulder, spotted a guy wearing a black jacket, and moved his eyes slightly to the right. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened in shock.

"Oh, my god." Jungkook couldn't believe it. "I see now. If it's not her, then she has a twin." 

His eyes moved to Jin, who was motionlessly staring down. But his eyes were now wide with uncertainty. 

Slowly, he raised them up in the direction of Hoseok's finger. He scanned the crowd, trying to keep his heart under control. It was beating so hard he felt on the verge of a heart attack. 

Could it be possible that she was here? After all those years, that he'd run into her here

Did he even want to see her again?

Before he could ponder this question further, his eyes caught the sight of a girl standing with her back to him. She had dark brown curly hair. His eyes trailed over her small love handles, over her pointy shoulders, and over her long fingers that were playing with her hair.

He took a sharp breath.

It was her. He knew it. He was sure of it. He'd recognize her anywhere. He knew her by heart. Every part of her was imprinted in his soul. 

"Hyung?" Jungkook whispered, suddenly unsure of himself. From Jin's reaction, he knew it really was June, and he had no idea what to do.

But Jin wasn't looking at Jungkook, he wasn't hearing him, he was looking straight at her. 

He stood up suddenly, his eyes not leaving her for a second. He was afraid if he took them off her, she would disappear, like she did three years ago, and like she did every morning when he would wake up. 

His friends all looked at him as he stood up, his whole body tense. He took a step to the front, his legs shaking. 

He saw her hair moving from side-to-side, as she was moving her head to the beat of the music. He took a few more steps and entered the crowd, bumping into people after people. He wasn't looking at his steps, he was looking at his destination, at her. 

And when he finally made it through the crowd and reached her, he grabbed onto her arm like a lifeline, and slowly turned her to face him.

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