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My love,

It's been two week since you left. It still hurts like the first day. 

Everyone tells me it will eventually get better. I want to believe them. They all tell me about their heartbreaks, and how they got over it. How it gets better.

Tell me, is it getting better for you?



"Well, it was nice meeting you." Taehyung said, his voice giving away his confusion. "Shall we go, June?" He asked, looking at the girl.

June slightly jumped back, as if she had been hit by reality. She looked away from Jin, and at the boy by her side.

"Right. It's getting late. Um..." She hesitated, and her eyes met Jin's again. He was staring straight at her, straight into her soul. Her heart missed a beat. 

In his eyes, she could see his pain, his hope, his confusion, and his fear. 

"Don't go." He whispered, his lips barely moving. If he had said it louder, she would have heard the broken plead in his tone, but the music playing loudly had buried his words.

"I'll get a cab for you, June." Taehyung said, and walked away from them both. He could sense the awkwardness, and he felt it was better if he left them alone for a while. When June had called Jin an old friend, he knew instantly there was more to the story then this. Because no friend ever stared at another friend the way they were staring at each other. 

Taehyung left, and they were alone, in the middle of the crowd. 

There was a few seconds of silent staring before June found the words she wanted to say.

"Jin, I'm sorry, but I should go." She said slowly. Her eyes were still erratic. "But do you want to meet again, soon, maybe? To talk?" She asked, and he could hear the uncertainty in her voice. After all, it had been three years.

He parted his lips, but no sound came out. He had so many thoughts, he didn't know how to put them in words.

He wanted to talk, and he wanted more. He wanted to talk with her, talk until he would go mute. He wanted to listen to her, listen until he would go deaf. He wanted to look at her face, stare until he would go blind. He wanted to taste her lips, devour them until he would die.

But she had to go, and she wanted to talk, soon.

"Okay." He found himself agreeing, because talk was better than nothing. Because it would be talking with her. 

It was better than three years of complete and utter silence, three years of aching loneliness, three years of bitter regrets. 

"Okay." She said, her wide eyes gauging his. She reached into her pocket. "Here is my new number. It's a Seoul one." She noted her number on a small piece of paper, and gave it to him. 

He took the piece of paper, a small pink post-it, and stared at it like it was made of gold.

It was the closest he had been to her in three years, yet she had never felt so far away. He used to know her phone number by heart. He used to text her dozens of times a day, whenever they were apart. He used to call her every night before going to sleep. 

And now, she needed to write her number on a piece of paper so he could reach her.

"When did you move to Seoul?" He asked suddenly, his eyes on the small paper, his thoughts going wild. His broken heart, he wasn't sure if it was slowly being rebuilt, or if it was even more broken. 

Her sad eyes stared at him.

"About three months ago." She said slowly. "What about you?" She asked.

"A year ago, when I got out." He said. His eyes were still on the small paper, so he didn't see the flash of pain in her eyes. 

"Right." She said, the sadness taking over her voice. "March 6th, 2017." It was a whisper, yet he had heard it. And his thoughts went wild.

Before he could react, she went on, louder this time.

"I should go. Give me a call. Please." Her voice was strong, yet it broke on the last word, and it sounded more like a plead.

And just like that, he watched her walk away from him. Something he had swore he would never do again. But he was frozen in place, her voice still echoing in his mind: March 6th, 2017.

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