Why are you here?

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"Child, wake up" a voice beckoned. "I said wake up!" The voice shouted again. Y/N finally opened her eyes, "What?" She asked while taking in her surroundings. "What are you doing here!? Our deal has not been fufilled" the voice told her. "I no longer have a purpose in the mortal realm" Y/N said calmly.

The voice sighed, "It was when the Universe said you no longer have a purpose, and it hasn't"

Y/N looked at where she assumed the voice was coming from, "Tell me my purpose! I was there for 6 months, and then captured. I was gone for 4 months and when I finally got back I broke the heart of the boy I loved! I then collapsed and was in a pod for 2 months only to be captured the same day I woke up. I then was given this devil spawn to develop inside of me, and ignored my team for 3 months!! Then when I got the opportunity to leave, I took it and now you're stopping me!? My only purpose, was to drag them down!"

"Child, why do you you focus on the bad? You have done so much more than you realize. You've helped Shiro with his PTSD, Lance with finding a place in the team, Pidge find her family, Hunk with his training, and Keith...you helped him trust. You've done alot, and if you leave all of your work will be reversed." The voice told her.

"I'm going back, I got that... I remember reading an ancient scroll." The voice spoke up "Oh dear, I thought we burned all of those" Y/N smirked "Nope, but either way, I read one. It said that any high teir demon may receive two things that they have lost. I want my two items."

A figure appeared in front of Y/N, it was wearing a long hood that covered it's whole body. "You are smart, aren't you? What do you wish for little butterfly?" The figure asked. Y/N pulled out a picture, "The man this picture, he comes back with me." The figure looked at the picture, "That...can be arranged. What else?"
Y/N thought for a minute, "My memories, all of them" she said sternly. "Of course. But that is going to cost you." The figure explained,

"How much?" Y/N asked "Let's see..."

It has been months, several agonizing months  since she died.

Pidge has made it her life's work to open the door, and prove that she didn't die, that she just left. Good luck.

Lance, shut down. He stopped doing his beauty routine, and only ate when someone forced him.

Hunk, might as well have gone mad. Whoever tried to convert him was forced, out of sheer kindness, to listen to long tangents about absolute nonsense. Coran said that he's gone on about cheese for an hour,  an hour.

Allura keeps denying her death. Trying to find her out in the distance galaxies. Wasting her energy on something this silly, is pointless.

Lotor, I can here his muffled sobs in the room over. He really did care for her. Losing her again after regaining her trust, must really hurt.

Coran, grieves in private. He always has and always will, for Allura's sake. One night I remember seeing him leaning against a wall, silently crying, mummering under his breath how we all miss her. I left before he saw me.

And me? I don't care. Everyone leaves me, I knew it was coming. I don't know why but it's always been me that's left, not the other way around. It doesn't bother me any more, I guess that means I'm numb. That's me. Keith Kogane, The Loner.


"Ugh, what happened?" The man asked, "I brought you back with me sir" Y/N said calmly, "What did it cost ?" He asked, "Not much, just an arm and a charm" she responded, holding up her left arm to show a stump. "Why did you do this to yourself? I could have stayed gone" He told her, only to not get a response. "How did you die?" The man asked, "..."

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