Daddy Issues

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With everyone back at the castle and those who need a pod in one, Keith was questioning Y/N.

"You two are engaged!?" He yelled at the girl who was sitting quietly on their bed. "So you didn't think that this information was important?! You know, to let me know that I'm helping you cheat on another guy?!" He kept yelling at her, earning no response. "Say something! You can't just sit there!" Keith continued yelling. "Please stop." Y/N said, trying to sound as broken as possible. "Then you stop the fake voice and tell me what is going on" Keith responded.

"Fine. Lotor and I dated for a while, a few years. Due to an agreement my mother made with Zarkon before the war, I was chosen to be Lotor's bride. We knew each other as kids and was first okay with it, but as time went on the kisses were limited to forehead only, and only at times where we could have died. The I love you's became strictly platonic and that's sort of when we realized it. We love each other, we just aren't in love with each other. We broke off the engagement, quietly so Zarkon wouldn't know. He would have attacked my people." She tried to explain. Keith wasn't to sure that she was going the full story.

"You're leaving something out" he told her, "So? What if I am? I don't have to tell you the entire history with my ex!" Y/N yelled at Keith. "I think that you should Y/N!" Keith yelled back at her. "If you can't trust me with the idiot a few doors down from us, than maybe there shouldn't be an us!" Y/N yelled at Keith, "Maybe your right!" Keith yelled back. "Good we can finally agree!" Y/N yelled again before leaving.

It truly wasn't until after Y/N stormed out that Keith realized the severity of what just happened.

The following day came and Y/N walking into the dining room, where the other Paladins were seated. "Morning" Y/N said happily, and earned  a chorus of mornings back. "Where's Keith? You two are usually together on our break days" Hunk asked as he ate, "I don't know, and I don't care" she responded while sitting down and putting some food on her plate. "What? You always know where he is. What do you mean you don't care?" Lance had asked, "We ended whatever freak show our relationship was" Y/N explained venom laced in her voice that was met by silence.

"Are...are you ok?" Shiro asked. He hasn't said much since he got back, so the team was slightly surprised. "Thanks space Dad! But I'm not the one you need to worry about" she said calmly, "Why?" Shiro asked again. "He's taking it worse than me. He's in pain, I hurt him. I don't  know what to think of it." Y/N told them, beginning to pick at her food. "Where is-" Shiro was cut off, "Sub-deck 1, training room. No one  uses it, since we use the main one." Y/N answered, Shiro's question to Keith's whereabouts. Shiro nodded and left the room, leaving an awkward silence in his wake.

Shiro had finally reached sub-deck 1, after several confusing turns and dead ends. Once he got there it was easy to locate the training room, just listening to the clashes of metal and grunts of frustration was enough.

"Keith?" Shiro asked out loud as he walked through the door, "How, did you find me?" Keith grunted out, "Y/N" Shiro responded as Keith finishes another bot. "Why does she give a damn?" Keith asked, "She still cares about you Keith, I think that she's confused" Shiro tried to explain. Keith glared at Shiro, eyes briefly flashing yellow, startling the older man.

"S-sorry" Keith said with a shaky breath, "It's okay to be upset Keith" Shiro said trying to sooth his younger brother. "I know," he responded letting a few tears fall, before quickly wiping them.

"Why do you think she's confused?" Keith asked, "I think that it's because of her emotions. She has less than we do, so she can't exactly be sad or regret anything" Shiro tried to tell him. "What? I've seen her have every emotion Hunk and Lance have." Keith protested, "Well...with the charm she had she appeared to go through several extra emotions. Like sadness, regret, fear, disgust, and Envy. She doesn't really feel them, it's sort of sad now that I think of it" Shiro told Keith who was staring at him. "How do you know all of this? She hasn't told us any of this" he had asked Shiro. "Research. A princess has a lot of articles on herself." the older man stated. "Huh, should have thought of that" Keith said with a sad smile, voice cracking.

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