Love and Family

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Y/N was sitting outside the pods in the med bay, when Allura entered. "Yes, Mrs. Perfect?" Y/N asked the princess, "Be formal for once, please. This is not about our rivalry with one another." Allura stated calmly. "What is it about then? Allow me to guess, Lotor?" Y/N asked curiously, smirking at the princess's blush. "Yes it is. I want advice on how to get closer to him." Allura stated. "Ok, ask away" the demon child told Allura with a smile.

"Ok, how should I approach him?" Allura started with her questions, but Y/N stopped her. "Allura you are doing this all wrong. I want to see what you think of my Princey. Are you really worth his time?" Y/N stated calmly, "Yes I believe I am worth his time" Allura responded after a minute. "Ok. Is he worth your time? What is one quirk of his, you have noticed?" Y/N asked the princess.

"Well when he's embarrassed or confused he only will call me princess. When he feels threatened or stressed his little claws will come out. Oh! And becuase of our height difference he has to lean down to look at what is in my hands, and he'll listen to what I have to say even if it's nonsense. He never gives fake compliments and if someone is bad at something he will help them get better. He still doesn't think this team completely trusts him so he tries to help in anyways he can. He's-"

Y/N cut the fangirl off, "I asked for one but I think that's all I need to make a decision for you." Allura looked at her expectantly, "You are being the perfect person Lotor needs right now. Just remember when you think that you are ready, Lotor is very insecure. Years of his father calling him weak and poisoned for his Altean heritage did not have a good effect. His first answer is not the real answer." Y/N stated vaguely. "Ok, thank you!" Allura shouted as she left the room.

"Maybe she isn't so bad?" Y/N said quietly before turning at the sound of a pod opening. They were finally out.

Y/N quickly caught both of her parent figures, detaching her arm to do so. She quickly sat them down and watched them as they became more aware if their surroundings. "Y/N?" Thace asked outloud, mind still fuzzy from the healing pod. "Thace!" Y/N shouted happily and hugged the galran who hugged back eagerly. "My my, how long has it been my little devil?" Thace asked with a smile, "To long!" She said crying tears of happiness. She soon felt another pair of arms around her, "Ulaz!" Y/N shouted and jumped into the other Galrans arms. Their family was finally complete.

After a few days of Ulaz and Thace getting situated in their own room, everything was about normal. Except that Lance and Y/N were about to stab Lotor if they have to listen to another rant about Allura. Shiro's boat wasn't any better, he got to listen to Allura gush about Lotor. Everyone was tired of their pining.

"What should we do Lance?" Y/N asked as she plopped down on the floor of the closet the three were hiding in. Shiro, Lance, and Y/N all sat in the decent sized space trying to conspire on how to get the royals together. "Why are you asking me?" Lance responded to the hybrid girl. "You're the reason Keith and I are together again, just assumed that you've got a plan" Y/N told him while staring at the ceiling, "So it was Lance. I knew it couldn't have been anyone else. Lance is the only one on this ship that can actually function in society." Shiro said, tiredness loud and clear in his voice.

Lance was slightly confused at Shiro's words but responded with a nod, before giving them his plan "Lock them in a room." Y/N looked at him like he was mad, "You wanna do what now?" Shiro asked him. "Those two are so oblivious that Y/N will die before they realize their feelings. So just lock them in a room, and hope for the best. If that doesn't work, we'll play it off as a malfunction" Lance explained calmly. "Ok... Wanna get the others involved?" Y/N asked him, Lance sat up and responded quickly "Hell yeah!"

"Are you sure this going to work?" Pidge asked as she hacked into the lock system. "Nope, but it doesn't hurt to try" Lance responded, "Why are you in charge of this anyway?" Pidge asked, still slightly annoyed at her loss. "Why do you think Y/N and Keith are dating again? What? Did Kolivan just randomly let Y/N, who was still recovering, on a mission without any pushing. You think that Y/N had the idea to talk to Keith without Lotor subtly filling her head with the ideas to do so? You think that Y/N just randomly felt guilty, or that Lotor lent her some emotions that she wasn't aware of? If you think that then you're probably correct" Lance ranted about his entire plan.

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