A New Addition

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"She...she's alive? It was 10,110 years ago, she can't be alive?" Y/N stammered out.

Thace and Ulaz had already known about Y/N's pregnancy before they were even alive, but they didn't know she actually gave birth.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I found out only a few centuries ago, and by then you were on ice." Lotor explained in an attempt to make his death less painful. "I'm not angry Princey...just confused. Why would you hide this from me. My daughter is still out there" she muttered quietly before leaving.

Keith felt something plop into his lap as he lay in bed. When his eyes adjusted he saw that it was only Y/N and he pulled her close.

"What's wrong?" He asked her softly, "I have a daughter, she's alive." Y/N mumbled as she held onto him for dear life. "Oh, that's...Wait what!?" Keith shouted realizing what she said. "I've been pregnant before Keith, it was equally against my will, but I still was pregnant. I thought that Coran and Alfor had gotten rid of it, but I still gave birth to this adorable little girl...Zarkon stole her from me." She explained

"Can we just go to bed, it's still 2 am? I don't want to be awake" her quiet voice asked. Keith nodded and covered her with his blanket, careful not to damage her wings. He placed a kiss on her forehead and fell asleep.

"Shiro!" Lotor yelled after the Black Paladin as he walked calmly down the corridor. "Lotor? Are you okay? What's going on?" Shiro asked in a quick slew of questions. "I'm fine but I need you to give Y/N and I special clearance for a mission" Lotor managed to say.

Shiro looked at him skeptically, "We're on our way to earth, I would rather have you two relaxing instead of risking your necks." Shiro pointed out to the Prince. Lotor completely threw away his typical attitude and spoke again, "Shiro, I have screwed up to the point of I deserve death. I can't explain the mission until after we get back, but I beg you. We can be back in a day, any longer and I will lock myself up."

Shiro a little surprised by the change of behavior nodded his head, giving permission. Lotor nearly jumped with happiness and rushed to get supplies, before grabbing Y/N.

It took only and hour but Lotor and Y/N were dressed ready for their mission.

Lotor wearing his old armor, and Y/N in her general armor that matched his. "Ready to be the perfect couple...again?" Lotor asked nervously, trying to start up a conversation.

Y/N stayed silent, but pulled him into a tight embrace. "I ment it back then, you really are a good person. I'm getting my daughter back." She mumbled into his hair, that was honestly suffocating her. He quickly hugged her back, knowing how unorthodox it is for her to hug someone. "I try, you help me a lot" he said quietly.

Breaking up their hug, Lotor turned and shifted his form slightly. He became taller, leaner, more mature, easier to follow. Y/N followed his example, she switched her form of a young galran female. She had lilac skin and soft yet menacing yellow eyes. Her hair became purple and she pulled out special scissors and cut it to about (H/L), "That should be a bit easier to manage" Y/N stated.

Lotor nodded before opening his mouth, but Y/N beat him to his question. "Remember how we met? I was only 314 years old," she began waiting for him to continue. "I believe I was merely 212. Goodness you are old," Lotor responded in a teasing manner. "You couldn't even wield a sword, it was hilarious! Zarkon had gotten so desperate he had me teach you." Y/N laughed at her friend, Lotor chuckled with her.

"Yeah, you were already an amazing fighter, beating all of your opponents in seconds." He gushed, "Until one guy decided to aim for you, I had to block the shot with my wing before killing him." Y/N said with a smile. "I was so surprised by the sudden attack. I barely moved" Lotor chuckled.

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