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carrie has left the chat

jack what the fuck??

sophia okay yeah same what the hell??

jaeden what?

jack no one saw that carrie just left the chat?

jeremy wait a minute why?

finn carrie left?

wyatt guys calm down her mom probably took her phone or something

sophia her mom has never done that tho

jeremy ^^

jack ^^^

chosen ^^^^

sophia hey chosen

chosen hi

sophia wow it's been ten whole seconds and you haven't left :)

chosen has left the chat

jack damn were dropping like flies

wyatt *we're

finn but really why did carrie leave

sophia coughwyattcough

wyatt why me?????

sophia hm i dunno maybe cause ur her boyfriend?????????????????? you're the one to know

finn she's right

wyatt ok well i don't

wyatt gotta blast my ass

jack hmm i smell something fishy

jeremy maybe it's this salmon tea i'm brewing

jack ew that sounds disgusting

jeremy not when this gc is alive

jeremy THEN the tea is good

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