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private chat between maddie and julie

maddie hey j

julie lmaooo hi mads 😂

maddie is it true that you made fake messages in carrie's name so wyatt would break up with her?

julie shes DMing you?

maddie answer my question

julie of course not, those texts are real. that little bitch sent those texts to me

maddie why did she do it??

julie idk ask her i'm not the one who sent the messages

maddie some things just aren't adding up here

julie oh what?? you don't believe me?? i'm one of your best friends...just saying

maddie yeah, well you've lied to me before. remember that time when you told millie she needed to lose weight so millie LITERALLY STAYED HOME FOR A DAY BC SHE WAS TOO EMBARRASSED TO COME TO SCHOOL and you told me she was sick?? i can't believe i let that slide

maddie i can't believe millie let that slide either

julie mads that was in eighth grade

maddie that wasn't even two years ago!!!

julie i've changed

maddie apparently not if carrie really is telling the truth

julie we're still friends tho right?? 💖

maddie ofc not

julie madssss pls ☹️☹️

maddie you know what, fine

maddie if you can prove carrie sent those messages, then i'll actually be your friend

maddie until then, i'm gonna talk to my new friends 🙃

julie which are,,,,??

maddie carrie and sophia.

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