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   [[ one of the only irl chapters i'll ever do]]

           Sophia set down her phone on the table, rubbing her temple from the overwhelming stress. She continuously soothed Carrie, having the younger girl drift off to sleep not only thirty minutes earlier.

      As Sophia pulled the blanket up around her best friend and herself, her phone illuminated the room with a single notification on the small screen.

     wyatt: i'm here. i'll go through the back?

     Sighing, the redheaded girl lifted the other redhead off of her and tip-toed to the back of her house. Once getting there, she nearly had a heart attack from the obscured face peering at her through the window. But once seeing the bouncy brown curls, she exhaled in relief and quietly turned off the alarm system so that he could come in with no notice.

        As Wyatt stepped inside, he was greeted with a hard slap across his cheek. "Fuck you." Sophia said. "For all that you've done to me. To Carrie. To Finn. To Jack. To Millie." Wyatt looked a little taken aback, since Sophia wasn't normally a violent person, but accepted it. "I deserved it," he agreed shamefully.

       After the awkward beginning, the teen gestured to the couch while shooting the boy a cold glare. Making his way over, Wyatt nearly killed Carrie from startling her awake with a tight embrace.

        "What...What the hell," Carrie spluttered, eyes going wide. She hugged the mystery person back, looking over their shoulder to see her best friend contemplating something. When she finally pulled back to see who it was, she filled up with anger.

       "Why the fuck are you here?" She fumed. "Leave me alone. Leave us. Leave m-"

       "I'm gonna go. So you guys can...um, sort this out. Quietly, sort this out so you don't wake up my dad." Sophia said, leaving the room and disappearing from view. As soon as she was gone, their eyes locked together.

        "I hate you." Carrie spat at him.

        "I know." Wyatt held back tears. "I'm sorry."

      "You're sorry?" Carrie laughed bitterly. "Sorry? You betrayed me, chose over me, caused half of my friends to hate me, and you're sorry?"

       "Carrie, I-"

      "Why're you even here?" She cut him off. "What time is it- three in the fucking morning! I got here three hours ago, and you show up, strutting into the Lillis household because, sure, that's a great thing to do after causing emotional pain to a dozen people. Not to mention fans who were fucking puzzled as to what was going on."

      "I heard what happened," He changed the subject unintentionally, grabbing one of her hands that was resting on the couch cushion.

      "What?" The girl's face twisted into confusion before a wash of realization came over her. "No- No. Who told you? I-I, I didn't want for you to come here. That's the last thing I wanted. I've been feeling suicidal for a week which isn't that long but still, I didn't w-w-w-"

       And with the last stuttering word, Carrie broke out into tears that she had been holding in for months. Sobbing, she jumped into Wyatt's arms, soaking the top of his shirt from her tears. The curly-haired boy wrapped his larger arms around her smaller frame, cuddling her close and stroking her hair.

        "I...I h-h-hate you s—so much..." She told him between sobs, letting him cradle her like a toddler.

         "I'll tell you what everything in the morning," Wyatt said. "You need sleep. There are bags under your eyes- oh my god Carrie how long have you slept before twelve?"

      "I don't know," Carrie sniffled.

       "Well," Wyatt sighed, nuzzling her head closer. "I've just gotta say. I missed you so much, and I mean that."

      Carrie said nothing, continuing to sniffle and weep into Wyatt's chest quietly.

     The dark room went silent again, only taxis and cabs being heard outside of the walls of the house. Wyatt felt Carrie get heavier and looked down to see her dead asleep. Smiling, he turned on his phone, the bright light making him squint a little.

       wyatt: thank you.

    sophia: for what

     wyatt: for letting me come to your house

   sophia: yeah, i'm pretty generous. i shouldn't have let you in but oh well.

   wyatt: shut up. also carries asleep, what do i do?

   sophia: follow her lead and just sleep

   wyatt: like, next to her?

   sophia: god you're so clueless

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