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private convo between ellie and julie

julie what did you find out today

ellie they didn't talk about anything much important 2day like they did a few days ago

julie what did they say a few days ago and why didn't you tell me right away?

ellie well i'm telling u now?

julie i'm waiting 🙃

ellie alright so basically

ellie u know how carries dating finn?

ellie it's fake.

julie what??

julie wdym fake?

ellie it's not real,,,it was a plan made to make wyatt jealous so he'd get back with carrie

julie oh my god

julie that little slut

julie she thinks she's so smart

julie just wait until i expose her ass

ellie alright but don't tell anyone i gave u the evidence like block out my name or something

julie thx ellie ♥️♥️ luv uuuuu

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