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(((Irl again OOPS)))

Jack leaned back in his chair, frustratedly smashing the buttons on his controller.

He fired the virtual gun at another player on the screen, only before getting shot down and dying. "Suck my Eiffel tower sized di-"

ding dong

Jack whipped his head to the door to see a sillouhette standing in the doorway, getting ready to press the doorbell again. Who the hell would be coming over to his house at eight thirty at night? Maybe it was Sophia asking for another one of his movies from his book shelf or something.

Swinging open the door, his jaw dropped to see Carrie nervously looking down at the ground. "What are you doing here?" He asked her, a little harsher than he meant.

"Is Finn here?" She ignored his question, pushing a strand of her red hair out of her face and avoiding eye contact. "Yeah," He informed her. "But you cant come over just to fuck in my guest room."

Carrie's mouth turned up in an amused smile as she stepped inside his house. "No," She became serious again. "I just wanted to see him again," Pausing for a moment, Jack heaved a sigh and gestured to the hallway that led to their rooms. "I guess I can't stop you,"

The redhead hugged the boy, and smiled while skipping off to Finn's guest room. Jack scoffed at her frivolous behavior. "Girls," He mumbled, grabbing his controller again and resetting the game.

Carrie knocked on the bedroom door, her palms getting sweatier by the minute like she had mom's spaghetti on her shirt. In a second, the door creaked open to reveal Finn giving her an "i told you so" look.

         "Listen-" She began, only to be cut off by Finn's lips against hers. Going for her better judgement, she lightly shoved him off of her, heaving a sigh and guiding him over to the bed to sit down. "Finn. I need to stop. This needs to stop. I love you, but i have to be with wyatt, and this relationship was supposed to be fake in the first place,"

       At her last sentence, Finn's dark eyes filled up with hurt and he looked away from her. Carrie realized her mistake, and went to grab his arm but was pushed away. His dark curls swung as he turned around to face her. "Damnit, Carrie, please make up your mind? I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I thought we had something going, I mean I know the whole thing was supposed be fake, but I thought you were at least kind of romantically interested in me, and th-"

        Carrie shook her head and groaned. "God, Finn, didn't I just tell you I loved you? But the only problem is that Wyatt likes me now, and I feel like...."

     "...You feel like what?

     "Like I owe my heart to him."

            The room went silent. Again, Carrie cursed herself for being the type of girl she never wanted to be. The girl who created endless drama for her friends. Finn said nothing, and dropped his back onto the bed in defeat.

      "Why? Why can I try my best to make you happy, and he doesn't do jackshit but still gets you anyway? What am I doing wrong?" Finn questioned to himself aloud. Carrie fell back on the sheets beside him, looking at him.

       "You aren't doing anything wrong. It's just that if I don't date Wyatt....our friend group is going to be separated forever. And then it'll be no more losers club, and everything will be ruined." She explained, stating at the ceiling as she laid next to him.

       "I guess I could understand that," Finn shrugged. "But at the same time, it's more of Wyatt's fault, isn't it?"

        Carrie looked over at him, her blue eyes filling up with unsureness. "I guess. But it's my fault too. We're both at fault,"

       Finn nodded, getting closer to her on the bed. "I love you," He tried to lighten the mood. Grinning, she laughed a little. "I love you too,"

         And for once, Carrie didn't care if she was only a teenager. She loved this guy, goddamnit, and she would say so even if it meant she sounded like every girl ever. She moved a little closer to him, embracing him in open arms.

         Finn's hands went down to her waist, about to trail up her back when the bedroom door opened. "Okay...uhm, wow. Should've expected this, you hormonal teenagers- oh, yeah anyway, it's nine. Is Carrie spending the night or something?"

       "She can, right?" Finn asked. "Hmm.." Carrie mocked. "This is tough,"

     "Just make up your damn mind,"

       "Only if I can play on your Xbox,"

       Jack rolled his eyes playfully. "Fine whatever. But like I said, don't fuck in this house. Or on the front lawn, cause I know you guys would get creative. Or in the driveway, or backyard, o-"

       "We get it, dickhead," Finn ruffled his hair, following Jack out to the living room beside Carrie.

Gameboy // Finn Wolfhard [Sequel to Nintendo]Where stories live. Discover now