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        private chat between carrie and julie

julie u fucking bitch

carrie hello to you too

julie don't play dumb

julie ur a snake

carrie oh,,,IM the snake??

carrie i'm not the one who lied to a boy to gain fame and break someone else's heart

julie my reasons were none of ur business

carrie you know what

carrie i don't like name calling other girls, even tho that sounds sexist oops sorry guys

carrie but you're a cold blooded bitch

julie and?

carrie you don't even deny it?

julie i have priorities, unlike stupid girls like u or sophia lillis

julie who care about friendship!! 💕🌿🌸

julie and loveeee!!!!! 💓💓💓💓💓

julie well wake up honey because that's not what the world is like

carrie don't drag sophia into this

carrie wait a minute, so you're telling me that you don't value love or friendship?

julie of course i do

julie but i don't make that my number one.

carrie well that should be your number one, no matter how cheesy that sounds

carrie wyatt deserves to be with someone who values love over instagram likes

julie u don't know a thing about me

carrie i know enough

carrie but i'm guessing you're texting me cause he broke up with you?

julie why else?

julie wait how do u know?

julie U BITCH

julie u really are a snake. you both planned this since we got together a few months ago

carrie ?????what,,,,,,no??????

carrie i know it's legal in cali now but don't  smoke too much weed or else you'll get delusional

julie i hate girls who play dumb

carrie what do you even mean?

julie well u both obviously planned this. he was just as bad as u all along

carrie lol no he's worse

carrie jk

carrie sorry i forgot i was talking with someone who's pea brain can't understand sarcasm

julie stop changing the subject u slut

carrie how am i a slut??

carrie actually fuck you

carrie you are in no position to call me a slut. i didn't do anything, and you're just attention hungry and dramatic

julie go kill yourself

carrie thanks. have a nice life

@nintendocoplin has blocked @julie.babyyy

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