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private chat between sophia and wyatt

sophia i hope you're proud of yourself

sophia you and your shitty girlfriend

wyatt why the fuck are you texting me? it's 3am. do this some other time

sophia because carrie's suicidal now and i just drove to atlantic blvd to pick her up in a fucking tourist shop

wyatt what?

wyatt is she okay???

sophia what the fuck do you think?

sophia put two and two together

wyatt where is she

wyatt where are you

sophia oh no you are not gonna send someone our way

sophia it took me an hour to get her to sleep by fucking RUBBING HER BACK LIKE SHE WAS A BABY IM ACTING LIKE HER MOTHER


wyatt no i wanna come over myself

sophia at 3am?

wyatt yes at 3am

wyatt are you at your house?

sophia fine

sophia yes

sophia my moms on business but luckily my dads a heavy sleeper so i'll turn the alarm off just text me when you're here

wyatt got it

wyatt i'm sorry

sophia you should be.

sophia these last four months have sucked all because you chose that dipshit girlfriend

wyatt i know

sophia wait what?

wyatt call me.

           sophia ginger headass is calling


"you're going to be over soon, why do you need to call?"

"i just wanted to say i'm sorry."

"tell me to my face. to carries face too."

"i miss you guys,"

"we miss you too, if i'm being honest,"

"i made a mistake, and i'm sorry."

"yeah, it was a big mistake. carrie wants to kill herself now from all the death threats from hardcore dance mom fans who would die for julie. not to mention almost all of your fans, and jaeden's fans, and chosen's fa-"

"i'm almost to your street."

"you've got a lot of talking to do, ramen skull"

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