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private chat between ellie and julie

julie i can't believe this.

ellie what??

julie wyatt broke up with me. and it's all that little whores fault

ellie wait he broke up with u,,,???

julie yep and he called me a liar and i don't know what to do 😕😕😕

ellie idk what to tell u

ellie but don't tell the public or else you'll lose a ton of followers

ellie or if u do say that u broke up, tell them something like "he abused me". that'll make people side with u

ellie i mean, playing the victim isn't great but if u have to do that to keep ur 700k then u should

julie ugh

julie alright

julie bye ellie

ellie bye

AN: Would you guys be mad if i made this book into a carrie x finn??

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