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private convo between finn and carrie

carrie finn please i've called you fifty times i'm worried
read at 7:56 pm

carrie finn im so sorry but there's so much more that i need to explain

finn get away from me

carrie finn i'm so sorry

finn did you date me to play a sick joke on me or something? is that what this is?

carrie no oh my god not at all i love you finn you're one of my best friends

finn ouch friendzone

carrie finn please listen

finn fine

carrie i didn't mean to do this, i shouldn't have caught feelings and oh my god i made a big mess

finn yeah you did

carrie im sorry!!! i should have paid attention to millie's advice and tried not to catch feelings but it just happened because you're so beautiful and funny and sweet

finn then why are you breaking up with me??

carrie i have to

finn why?

carrie i just have to

finn no give me a legitimate reason

carrie ok well if the whole plan was to get wyatt back,,,now that the whole things completed shouldn't i be with wyatt?

finn ok but didn't he treat you like complete shit?

carrie well yeah

finn did i?

carrie no not at all

finn then it doesn't add up sweetheart

carrie shut up i just feel like after all we've been through shouldn't i be with wyatt?

finn what if he treats you like shit again?

finn huh?????
read at 8:01 pm

carrie you're so hot when you get defensive

carrie fuck i'm sorry that's weird i didn't mean to say that let alone send that shit wtf i'm such a pervy nasty ass crusty bitch

finn i love you

carrie god i hate this but

carrie i love you so much

carrie fuck

carrie i'm such an asshole god i'm sorry i'm trying to do the right thing

finn well you know what the right thing is??

finn coming over to jack's right now so i can see your pretty face

carrie i'm already walking in the subway doors

Gameboy // Finn Wolfhard [Sequel to Nintendo]Where stories live. Discover now