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private chat between wyatt and carrie

wyatt hey

wyatt did you get home alright?

carrie yeah i'm fine

wyatt what did you tell finn?

carrie i didn't

carrie i'm not going to

carrie are you going to tell julie?

wyatt yeah, i was actually planning on breaking up with her


carrie wait

carrie i didn't mean it like that

wyatt its fine

wyatt i finally see how much of a bad person she is

wyatt she made fake text convos, lied to me on several different occasions, and was the prime reason i broke up with you

carrie you're right

carrie but wyatt?

carrie guess what

carrie she wasn't the prime reason. it was your choice, not her fault. sure, she may be the cause of all of the chaos, but you had the option of trusting a stranger or me. and you chose her.

carrie and like i said, that really hurts and it always will hurt

wyatt i'm so sorry carrie

wyatt i know this is probably going to sound worse but

wyatt is there anything i can do to make it better?

carrie sure

carrie never do dumb shit like that again

carrie and don't fracture julie's black crusty tiny ass heart too much when you break up with her

wyatt okay, note taken

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