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People who don't believe bullshit

sophia has added jack, finn, millie and carrie to the groupchat

carrie uhh why is there only half of our friends in the gc?

millie is that really all the people who believe carrie?

millie julie always wasn't really a good person

finn yeah obviously

finn sorry i just

finn ugh

sophia this sucks.

jack i can't believe this one stupid fucking girl comes in and ruins everything

carrie wait jaeden and jeremy believe her?

carrie and chosen maddie and lilia?

sophia yeah..

carrie those screenshots are so fake tho!!

finn there's another thing you might want to see..

finn sent [finncarrieholdinghands.jpg]

carrie what the fuck

carrie what the actual fuck

carrie is that supposed to be us?????

carrie they're both turned around and i would never wear that ugly ass dress just saying

sophia I KNOW RIGJT ^^

millie yeah i would never talk to you again if you wore those ugly ass rags...

millie also finn's hair isn't that long

jack ur right it's a bit shorter

carrie i'm sorry finn

carrie i'm sorry that i made all of you get into this garbage

sophia it's not your fault it's julie's fault

millie exactly.

millie and i'm guessing the whole finn and carrie thing didn't make wyatt jealous yet?

carrie yet?

millie trust me i'll help you make him go insane

finn but what're we gonna do?

millie are you ok with making it public?

carrie well it's fake so...?

finn yeah idk if that's a good idea?

millie i mean you don't have to deliberately say that you're dating

sophia like just drop hints

millie exactly ginger

sophia i love u tea fucker

millie wow thanks ho 🤧🤧

jack so what your saying is that

carrie *you're sorry i had to

jack stfu 😤😤

carrie i'm sorry daddy 😩😩💦

jack I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND THANK YOU VERA MOOCH but it's ok mami 😤😤💕💦




millie so ok here's how ur gonna make uris reeaaaally jealous

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