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private chat between finn and wyatt

wyatt finn

finn oh hi

finn what do you want?

wyatt to step off of carrie

finn why do you care?

wyatt because

wyatt i have my reasons

finn which are...?

wyatt none of your business

finn then why'd you DM me?

wyatt to tell you to step off.

finn say it to my face and i'll take you more seriously

wyatt i don't wanna go near you

finn what? are you too high and mighty? is that why you, jaeden, chosen or jeremy won't hang out with us anymore?

wyatt no

wyatt it's because your dick probably has carrie's name on it

finn the fuck do you mean?

wyatt i know what you guys did

finn you don't know shit

wyatt admit it

wyatt you guys had sex

finn what the fuck???????????????????

finn no?!?!?!?

finn where did you even get that from?

wyatt a person i can trust

finn lemme guess

finn julie

finn am i right?

wyatt that's not the point

finn dude

finn she's got you wrapped around her finger

finn you'll believe anything that girl tells you

wyatt yeah, well carries got you wrapped around her finger. just like she was with me

wyatt that's how she broke my heart

wyatt by cheating with you..so maybe she really does love you and i was just the leftovers



finn I DIDN'T !!!!

wyatt whatever

finn ok wyatt

finn go back to your half assed girlfriend who borderline starves herself to look good in ig pictures but puts other girls down just so she can get a guy

finn who's also a liar and a scammer

finn because that's who you picked over carrie

Gameboy // Finn Wolfhard [Sequel to Nintendo]Where stories live. Discover now