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       private chat between jaeden and sophia

jaeden so let me get this straight

jaeden you want me to be carrie's pretend boyfriend

sophia yes

jaeden okay but why

sophia so she can get wyatt jealous trust me i think i know what i'm doing i've read a lot of teen drama novels in my time

jaeden you do realize i'm dating lilia???

sophia oh true

sophia lilia's really sweet tho do you think she would understand?

jaeden lilia is really understanding but i feel like it would just be weird

sophia whaaaale shit

sophia who else could be her fake boyfriend

jaeden what about jack??

sophia he's dating ellie

jaeden jeremy??

sophia are you kidding me jeremy would be so uncomfortable with that idea he would never

jaeden chosen?

sophia too involved with his career and wouldn't have time

sophia not saying u or jack or jeremy or chosen or finn aren't

jaeden yeah, i know what you mean

jaeden hey but there's an idea

jaeden how about finn?

sophia hey wait a minute that's not a bad idea tho

sophia but would he say yes

jaeden i guess the only way you'll find out is if you ask

sophia thanks u weeb

jaeden no problem carrot top


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