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private convo between wyatt and carrie

wyatt did you hear?

carrie about your breakup?

wyatt yeah

wyatt i broke up with her for two reasons, you know

wyatt because she was a bad person, and because i realize i made the wrong choice and i want to be with you

carrie ok

wyatt ...is that all you have to say?

carrie yep

wyatt fine i'll just ask you

wyatt do you want to be my one and only?

carrie i'm sorry but i'm already someone's one and only

carrie and i wasn't yours, since you picked someone over me

wyatt carrie i'm sorry i made a bad choice

carrie you bet you did

carrie and honestly now i've moved on

carrie a few days ago i was actually planning on saying yes to you before some things happened that changed my mind

wyatt so it's a no?

carrie i'm gonna put it this way

carrie it's a no but can we still be on good terms? friends???

wyatt how can we stay friends after you denied me?? this is more awkward than ever

carrie well you should've thought about that before this whole julie thing happened

wyatt you don't have to remind me

wyatt but if it's the only way to see you at all

wyatt sure. good terms.

carrie the losers club?? :)))

wyatt you betcha

carrie thank you so much wyatt i'm so glad you understand :))

wyatt of course, good to be back

carrie i'll go set up the group chat right now

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