doodles Part 6

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Patton sighs and turns his palms up. I know he won't hurt himself, I'm fairly sure he doesn't even know that's something people do on purpose. But I know Patton by now. He always draws on his hands and arms when his feelings are in overdrive.

I see little doodles of frowny faces, some little dog-like things, and words like 'smartie' 'books' 'work' 'happy' 'feelings', and finally in big letters on his other hand, 'BE YOURSELF'.

"Hey Pat, what music have you been listening to?" I ask

He shifts in his seat, "Um... a thing called "cool kids" and some Dear Evan Hansen..."

God I was going to hurt Logan. Or at least have a... 'discussion' with him. "Okay Patton I'm gonna make you some food, I want you to go wash your hands and come right back. Okay? I'm going to figure something out with Logan alright buddy? It'll be okay, now go wash up."

He nods his head and walks away toward the bathroom.

I begin to pull out materials for some pancakes and grab some cookie dough from the fridge.

*Thomas's POV*

I left Virgil to take care of Patton and Roman to take care of the camera while I walk off with Logan. I go with him to the mind palace, or really it's just their home. I stop Logan once we step inside his room.

"Logan, what are you doing?" I ask, grabbing his arm.

He tears his arm from my grasp, "I am going to grab a book and read. What else?" He adjusts his tie.

"Why does Patton look like that?"

"It's what happens when people don't eat or sleep enough. I thought you would know this."

"Why didn't he eat or sleep though? What could make the happy, full-of-life, loving person so... down? Am I right to think you have something to do with this?"

Logan pinches the bridge of his nose, "I don't know what he thinks Thomas! He's your  feelings, I don't engage with feelings, okay? I could have some part in this I assume, but that doesn't matter. Just go fix that thing. We don't need him to be messed up and hinder our operating quality."

I take a moment to realize what he said, "You think he hinders me? That he's a thing?  What has happened to you? I thought you guys were getting along, that you were friends! What has been happening between you two? Tell me."I let out a frustrated breath as I feel anger boil up.

"Yes Thomas! It's feelings! They don't help with much other than becoming emotional! You need some logic and a plan to progress the most you can in life! Yes we were getting along for a time, that was when he made me feel. Don't you understand how terrible it was for me, why I shut off my emotions. Why I only use my brain now. I stopped this nuisance before it became a larger problem! I'm doing what's best for you, can't you see that? All I've done is tell him some of what he is because he can't seem to see it himself! All the dUMB AS FU-" he stops talking and takes a few deep breaths and fixes his glasses. He runs his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for that outburst," he says in a monotone voice. "The bottom line is that we need to be at the best operating ability possible, and to do that we don't need your emotions getting in the way. All I've done is make sure he knows of all the ignorant things he's done, and make him put in less input. Now, if you don't mind, I wish to relax and read. Please leave me to my own," Logan says while he pushes me out the door despite my protests.

I give up and go back to the real world. I see Virgil sitting next to Patton and talking quietly to the dad figure while he eats. I can't see Roman down here. Still mad I need to blow off steam, I decide to go on a walk and think about all that Logan said.

As I open the door to leave, Anxiety perks up at the sudden noise. I gesture to outside and wave to him as I leave.

Now, what can I do about them?


Yo I'm here again y'all

here's another chapter

(sorry that I had to republish this so many times, it wouldn't save what I did to it at parts

Do you guys think it would be smart to shut off all your emotions, to just like... stop caring?

idk maybe that's just my mind saying to be a cold-hearted bitch.


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