Part 9

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friendly authorio here; trigger(?) warning, mentions of self harm and that jazz

*Thomas POV*

It's been five days and I'm starting to get really worried. Virgil has been unresponsive and unconscious, Roman has been a wreck (something about how he misses Anx and that this shouldn't be happening to his 'friend'), Logic has been running on coffee and researching day and night to find a way to get Anxiety to awake, and Patton... He's been crying. All the time and he hasn't had a good bit of sleep this entire time. I'm even more worried for him than before, and Logan has... been nice to him? I don't know if it's because he's too focused on helping Virgil or if he's just stopped with his resentment towards Patton. I wonder if his kindness to Patton is linked to him and Virgil...

All I really know about this is

:Virgil went to talk with Logan

:Logan ran into the room asking for Roman to help

:They left and Patton brought me with him into the mind palace

:We saw Logan and Roman carrying an unconscious Virgil to his princes room (anxiety never let us in his)

:They all have been going crazy trying to figure out what's wrong

Logan wouldn't tell us much other than Anx is probably in shock, as to what would have made him go into shock; Logan wouldn't tell.

Sighing I check on Anxiety and see that he is still breathing, then make my way to my room, trying to calm down the panic along the way.

*Logan POV* (5 days ago)

His eyes... They went from a dull but alert brown to a faded grey in just a few seconds. He collapsed and I sprang to keep him from smashing into the floor, grabbing his hoodie in the process. His sleeves slide up... shit. Shit. So.. so many.

Red lines slash at his arms, some old but so many look new. Think, think, think, think, THINK!

Possible shock, blood loss, sustenance deficiency, exhaustion, mental drain, probably strain from the fighting...

I lower him gently to the ground and turn him to his back. I can't lift him myself... It would worry Thomas too much, Patton can't help, but I could get Roman!

I bolt out of the room and sink into the real world. I grip Roman's shirt and drag him with me.

I let out bits of information as we go back, "Anxiety... collapsed, carry him... help me.. Too heavy for... me." My breathing is ragged when we get back.

Roman says nothing as he stands in shock for a few seconds until I tug on his robes. I shouldn't take him to his room since it's his space, and he never lets us in there.

"Roman, can we use your room, lay him in there?" He seems to go into Roman's room enough that it shouldn't startle him if- no, when he gets up. He nods and picks up Virgil bridal-style while speed walking to his room. I leave him to it as I run to grab some water and something soft that will go down easily. Ah! Pudding! That can count as food for now. I rush back to Roman's room and pass Mor with Thomas at his side.

I stop just long enough to tell them, "Leave, go sit down and watch some happy movies okay? Virgil just passes out from sleep deprivation. But you can't be here now. I'll explain more later." With uncertain looks they begin to sink back to the normal world.

Before they leave I call out to Patton, "Patton! I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you and shut you out." And with that, I jog to Roman's room to help the dark persona.

I take a deep breath and calm my movements before walking into Roman's room. I step into the room and set the sustenance down on a desk decorated with all sorts of colorful things and even some glittery makeup. I walk over to Anxiety and slide up his sleeve just enough to check his pulse. It was enough though, I hear a Gasp and turn to see Princey with his hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes.

"Look, I know this is your room and all, but I need to help him and I can't keep track of you both. Please go watch movies with the others." I turn back to Virgil and call out without looking at him, "Don't tell them about what you just saw. The others don't need to know about that until he tells them." With that I hear his footsteps retreating down the hall and then they're gone entirely.

I check to make sure he's still okay and his vitals are where they should be.

He seems alright for now. I continue to give him little bits of water so he doesn't choke and every once in awhile pudding so he can have some type of sustenance that won't hurt him.

This continues on for days, Thomas ignoring his friends and I keep withholding the information that could possibly destroy everyone.

I had patched up Virgil's arms and changed the wrapping daily. I just hope he wakes up soon.


yo my dudes

I'm tired and my anxiety is spiking up hahaha anyone have a knife

I think Ima watch some YouTube and try to sleep

here's another update to this fuberdinked story

~arrivederci muchachoos~

900 words people~

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