^~^ Part 12

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*Patton POV*

It's been a week, Virgil's good so far and HIM AND ROMAN IT'S FINALLY HERE! Sorry, just really excited. Logan and me have been doing great, I mean we're not together but we are friends!

For the past few days, Lo has been... off. He's been jumpy and restless. He won't tell me what's wrong and it's odd! I mean we're like best buddies, why wouldn't he tell me?

Anxiety has been doing well but he's been somewhat emotionless around the same time Logan started to frizz out.

I wonder what happened...

*flashback a few days, Virgil POV*

I needed to talk with Logan. I'd been spending a lot of my time with prince but I needed this talk sooner or later.

I walk down a black and white hall to Logan's room and walk into his room, uncaring of if he should knock.

Logan is at his desk, reading some paper I don't care about. I lay back on his bed and stare at the ceiling.

"So, tell me about Joan." I say, unable to do much else.

He sighs and tosses his glasses onto his paper so he can pinch the bridge of his nose. He closes the door and sits back down in his swivel chair.

"Joan has had cancer for awhile, and I've kept it from you guys so it wouldn't hurt Thomas as much since he can't process it without all of you knowing. It's not terrible but I believed it would destroy you all since you care a lot about Thomas's friends."

I nod along to what Logan is saying. "Will you tell the others?"

Logan sighs, "I will, at some point. But for now... I don't know what to do. I want to keep everyone in a good mood, and this would crush Patton. I just can't do it yet."

I can't keep this from the others, but I don't know if I can tell them. Gods why does this have to be so hard? "They need to know Logan, and they need to know soon so Thomas can show that he cares."

Logan shakes his head, "At least let me see if I can... get close to Patton. So he has a fallback, of course."

I let out a humorless chuckle, "Of course." I hop off the bed and walk to the door, "Get close to your soon-to-be boyfriend. Just don't hurt him."

I left, leaving the spluttering brainy persona behind.

'Gods I need a nap. Some sleep, for like a month'

*End of flashback*


yo sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I just haven't been writing this.

I posted another story - Jeffmads stuff

Hamil fam welcome

This isn't very long but I'll write more I just need to take time for this

don't worry, some pain and happiness is on way 


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