Chapter Two: The Search

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Strange Marking Tattoo Like

Symbols and Meanings
Found a strange symbol and don't know what it means? Well then look here we have symbols galore.

Symbol of Life

Heirings and more.
Have some heritage signs that you don't know the meaning. Look no further.

Signs of Danger
Signs of danger can tell you what the signs of danger are and how to avoid them.

Alex looked at the four results. The only four that came up. It's almost like people try to hide it. She was a little scared since she was only sixteen after all. The marking was strange almost like a claw, so she clicked on the SCFA link. She was amazed at what she saw. The pictures and summaries. The descriptions and the stories of people that had experienced something from a poweress. The thing that really caught her eye though was the face of the poweress. She had ruby red eyes. Just like Alex.
The marking was the exact same as well. This could be a sign of something great. Of something more powerful. Something Alex could learn to love. This is amazing. I am something different. Something more powerful than people will ever know, thought Alex. Today was a new day for Alex, and she was going to make the best of it. She was going to break out of her shell.

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