Chapter Nine: The Memory

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Alex sat on her family couch relaxing with her mother. They were watching her favorite television show "Sorrcer and Sorrceress". She was only eleven at the time. Her mom had always sat and watched it with her. It was their thing. Her dad was at work. He worked at a drill press. Whatever that is.
The phone started to ring.

"I'm sorry but I have to go get that."

"It's fine."

"Are you sure?"


With that Alex was alone. Alex heard her mother scream and ran to see what was wrong. She saw a man with a knife. A knife with blood already on it. The man spoke.

"Want her to live longer little girl. Then you will never use your power at all. Or else."

Alex was confused but nodded frantically. The man put the knife away and dissappered. Alex watched still confused.

"Alexandra can you please go get into the car?"

Alex started walking towards the door and when she got into the car she saw it. A small claw on her arm. She thought she was crazy. She got into the car and waited for her mother. When her mother finally got to the car and  started it. Alex had a feeling on where they were going. To get her dad. They only had one working vehicle as her dad's car was in the shop.
They took the back roads and went really fast. How fast exactly, Alex had no idea. She knew she was prepared for the worst.
When they got to her dad's work he got into the car away from the cold. Alex was sitting in the back seat.

"Hey sweeties."

"Hey," said Alex and her mom in unision.

"Lets go home and no back roads today please."

"Okay I can do that."

They set off. Going at a slower speed than last time. Alex just stared out her window. She knew everything of the city but she loved to watch it all go by.
She felt the car stop then heard a boom. She looked in front of her and saw the windshield covered in blood. Alex also saw what she hated most. Both of her parents slumped over. Dead.
Alex got mad at this and almost exploded. She got out off the car and didn't even realize it but appeared at her house. Her dream house. The one she had always wanted, and she saw that it was deserted. Like it was made just for her. How she had gotten there she had no clue what so ever. Just now she new she was different and had to build a she'll around her. She no longer had family to hold and love. She was deserted.

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