4. A dream come true or a nightmare?

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After ten minutes I managed to calm down. I stripped of my underwear and got in the shower. The warm water calmed me down and I thought everything through. This was pretty messed up. Where did I go from here?

For a moment I considered just packing my stuff and go home, but then I remembered how I felt about One Direction for less than a year ago. If I just went home now, the old me would probably kill the person I was. And who would say no to spend some time with the hottest boys on earth?

You only live once, I thought pleased with my self.

I got out of the shower and started to dry my hair. When I finally gave up I just wrapped the towel around me and looked at the mirror. Unfortunately I had forgot to bring some clothes so the underwear was all I had, and the thought of putting on dirty underwear didn’t tempt me.

I took a deep breath and went out. The five boys sat around a table. Niall was eating some kind of cereal, and the rest was just staring at me. Before I could stop it, I felt blood rushing towards my head.

“Um, so I’m going to go and get dressed,” I said trying to destroy the silence. I went towards the room I had woken up in, which I had mentally claimed as mine. My eyes searched the room.

One small black dress was lying on the floor, but that was the only piece of clothing that seemed to belong to me. With my head bent down of shame I went out again.

“One small problem, where is my stuff?” I asked without meeting their smiling faces.

“You only had this with you,” Harry said while holding up a purse. Oh god, please be some real clothes in there I begged as I took the bag and rushed into the bathroom.

Clearly I had been in quite a rush when I had packed because there wasn’t much useful in there. Luckily I found some new underwear, shorts and a white top. As I got dressed I remember my little outburst when I first woke up. The words “I guess we are going to have a foursome or something now”, was burnt in to my mind. How the hell could I say something like that?

I was trying hard to forget it as I came out. Louis and Harry were in the middle of some random hug when I got out.

“So, I’m Monica,” I said feeling like introduction was in its right place. That just made them laugh.

“No point in acting all formal, you might not know us but we sure as hell know you after last night,” Louis said and they all grinned at the thought of yesterday. Well all except me, because I didn’t find this funny at all.

“Yeah, when we know how you have wanted a dog since you were five and you want a golden retriever, introducing yourself is probably a bit late,” Niall said with his mouth pulled up in a smile that was full of food.

I silently cursed. Clearly I had given them a pretty good background check on myself, because as they told all the things I told I made a mental list. So the things they got to know about me was:

- My name
- My age
- Where I lived
- How many siblings I had
- My parents names
- My grandparents names
- A lot about my friend Anna
- My fear of snails and other insects
- The name of every teacher I had since first grade

But the list didn’t even stop there, because the boys continued to retell things I told them.

“And how you don’t like to show your own feelings, but one time when you were holding a speech you burst into tears in front of a hole crowd,” Zayn added.

I could feel my cheeks getting redder by the second. Oh god, this couldn’t be happening.

“And how you have always dreamed of being a professional actor,” Liam said with a cute smile. This could end badly. Clearly the drunken version of me wasn’t exactly shy. Oh god, I will never drink again, I thought to myself as Niall opened his mouth to continue the list of things I’ve said.

“You hate when relationships get to serious to fast, and you have never ever told a boy that you love him,” he said with a grin. Who was I when I was drunk? At that moment I wanted to kill myself, not only the drunken version but my sober version as well.

“I even think you told Louis when you had your first period,” Harry said while bursting into laughter. Louis nodded proud.

“The story was quite horrible,” He said overly dramatic.

“Okay! I get the point, you can all shut up now,” I said while trying to calm my self down. Telling every single embarrassing secret to the world famous boy band wasn’t the end of the world. Not at all…

The plan about me staying the day suddenly changed. No chance in hell that I was staying here one more second than necessary.

“So I guess I should get going,” I said trying to change the subject. The boys exchanged a worried look. What now?

“One small problem. Your passport has disappeared,” Liam said looking at me with gorgeous brown eyes.

“Oh god no,” I said while putting my hand in front of my mouth. 

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now