16. The biggest loser

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Niall’s P.O.V

Some food would be good right now, I thought as I stared at the screen. What the hell are we watching? Oh, that’s right… “The Biggest Loser”. Why were we watching that?

I was about to ask Monica, but as I turned around and saw her focused face I remembered. This was in a weird way her favorite show, and because I really didn’t care what we were watching she got to decide. The rest of the boys were out with their girlfriends, and Harry was out with some of his friends. So here I sat alone with Monica, luckily we were good friends so this wasn’t awkward.

Her best friend Anna suddenly came to mind; maybe I should call her one time? I didn’t have the number, but I had an idea that Monica would gladly give it to me if I asked. I just had to remember to ask in a way that didn’t seem to obvious.

There was just something about her which had made me think about her quite a few times the last week. She was just so relaxed, or at least she was after she got out of her trance. At first I thought she was some kind of crazy fan, not that I wouldn’t expect that (she was to pretty to let some craziness get in my way), but it didn’t take long until she talked normally to me. That rarely happened to girl I met.

Her smile especially wouldn’t leave my mind. No way, I would get that number no doubt. As I planned how to ask someone walked in the door. To my surprise all of them were back even though they hadn’t been the same place. They might planned it?

“Oh my god Niall! What have you done?” Liam asked and looked terrified. It took me a moment to understand what he was talking about.

“What? How can you possible smell that, it was like five minutes ago!” I said. And why would he react that way anyway, they were all used to it, even Monica was.

Liam looked very confused at me for one second before he understood what I was talking about. But if he didn’t understand what I was talking about what did he then talk about? I quickly checked my shirt for any marks after the ice-cream I had eaten. Nothing at all. Then why was he so upset?

“I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about that,” Liam said and pointed beside me. I turned around and was instantly shocked. Because were it earlier sat a focused girl had now been replaced with a girl that had tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were red, and her whole body was shaking. Why was she crying? I didn’t even have the time to react before Liam was beside her and patting her head.

“What’s wrong Monica?” He asked concerned. It was obvious that she tried to talk, but the outbursts made it hard to understand. All the other boys just stood there and had no idea what to do. We all just stared at her for like five minutes before we understood that she wasn’t planning on stopping the crying.

“What can we do?” Louis asked and looked really confused. They all looked like they’d been dropped on the moon.

“We might call her friend?” Harry asked. I knew instantly it was a good idea, not only because I wanted to talk to her.

“I’ll do it, just give me the number,” I said. Harry quickly gave and I dialed it with the speed of lightning.

“Hello?” her familiar voice said. Okay Niall, no time for flirting, remember why you’re doing this.

“Hey, it’s Niall…” I said. “From One Direction, we talked last week on skype,” I added awkwardly afraid that she wouldn’t remember. I noticed that she focused to remain calm.

“What’s up?” She asked in a tone that was meant to be casual.

“Um, this might sound weird, but Monica is crying and we have no idea what to do. She won’t stop…” I said and felt really dumb at the moment.

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