21. Too much competition

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“Hey Monica?” Louis said as he sat beside me in the sofa. I looked at him and tried to read his face expression.

“You’ll never believe who made front page!” he said waving a magazine in front of my face. I grabbed it and looked at the cover.

“Who is she?” was written on the top. There were several pictures of me. Some I had no idea had been taken, for example one from my shopping with Danielle and Eleanor and one taken after me and Harry had been out for dinner. I quickly went to the next page to read.

“Ladies, sit down and relax, ‘cause you’re all about to fall off your seats. Here we have our own curly haired beauty, Harry Styles and his new lady! Aren’t they adorable? …..Oh, you don’t think so?….. Well, they only want you ‘cause you’re taken Harry!! We wish them the best and hope they have many babies with four nipples!”

I looked shocked at Louis.

“Wow, that’s fast… And we’re not that serious,” I said and smiled. Louis suddenly ran towards Harry who was in the kitchen and screamed some words that I didn’t catch. I studied the pictures some more.

Wait a sec, who is that? I looked closer at the picture where Harry was holding a girls hand, and the hand was certainly not mine.

Later that night Harry and I sat alone in the sofa, everyone else was out. Even though I hadn’t said anything about the picture it was a really awkward silence. He could tell I was upset.

“May I ask why you suddenly are pissed of?” He asked. I avoided looking at him while throwing the magazine at him. He barely looked at it before starting to apologize.“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want this for you. But I promise it will get better, the paparazzi will back off soon,” he said. I looked surprised at him. Did he really think a couple of pictures were the problem?

“The problem isn’t the pictures taken off me, the problem is the other girl that’s holding your hand,” I said while pointing at the picture. He took a moment to study it.

“I promise we’re just friends!” He said shortly after.

“Yeah, I hold hands with my friends all the time as well,” I said sarcastically.

“Let me explain...” he started but got interrupted by some knocking on the door. We both stood up and went towards the door. Not a chance that it were any of the boys, because they would never have thought of the idea with knocking. I opened the door and my mouth fell open instantly.

“Rick?” I said and had no idea what I felt at the moment. There he stood, dressed up in a shirt with a bunch of roses which he offered.

“Hi… I’m really sorry,” he started saying but Harry interrupted.

“How did you get here?” he asked coldly. Rick turned unwillingly towards Harry.

“That doesn’t matter,” He answered in a tone that matched Harry’s.

“Well if you don’t mind I would like if I could get a moment alone with Monica now,” Rick said and I could feel Harry tense up. Rick stepped in and was about to give me a hug but Harry came between us like he was protecting me.

“Actually, I would mind,” Harry answered. They stood and stared each other in the eyes for a little while. I could feel that they were both waiting for the other to take the first punch. They were both full of anger and just waited for an excuse to knock the other down. They stood with only centimeters between them. Rick was a bit taller but it wasn’t easy to see because Harry stood in some weird man-way to look taller. Who said animals where the only one fighting for their territory?

“Hey, calm down guys. Let’s not make this in to a testosterone fight,” I said and tried to push them away from each other, but clearly they were both much stronger than I was.

“Well let me when you’re ready for a man and not a boy from a boyband,” Rick said and slipped a note in my head before looking one last time at Harry.

“And you let me know when you get out of the closet,” He said to Harry and I could feel Harry getting ready to punch.

“Don’t,” I said in a warning tone. What the hell was wrong with these guys?

Rick looked at me one more time and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead like he used to. He gave me the roses and then went. As the door shut Harry turned around to me.

“What the hell?” he asked and was so furious that his whole body was shaking. I looked at the note he gave me.

Meet me tomorrow 10 o’clock at the libarary,”

Harry looked at the note as well. He looked like he was about to explode for a moment but then he just turned around and disappeared in to his room. I stood still, and I had never felt more lost. My head was exploding in thoughts. What the hell was both of them thinking?

I had no idea where this left me and Harry, and I had no idea what this meant for me and Rick. 

When I finally dared to go to bed Harry was already snoring. It was in times like this it would have been nice to have my own bed. I crawled underneath the sheets and looked at Harry.

“What the hell am I doing?” I whispered before laying down trying to sleep.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now