9. Mr. Charming

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The next morning I woke up to the calming sound of silence. It felt good. First of all I had the bed to myself, which meant that the all-night snoring Harry was gone and so were the rest of the boys.

Yesterday they told me that they were going at an interview at twelve, so I had the house to myself. I threw a glance at the clock in the room. It was only half past eleven. Maybe they went early? Actually I didn’t care; the only thing I cared about was having some time by myself.

Who knew when I would get my next chance?

I picked up my iPod. Of all the things I could have taken care of the drunken me chose the iPod. The thing I needed the least, or in this moment I was glad I had it. I went out in the kitchen and connected my iPod to the speakers.

The calm music from Westlife started playing and I sang along. No matter what situation I was in Westlife was always my savior. I knew every song they had ever sung, and to be honest their music always made me feel good.

So there I was, dancing in nothing but a big t-shirt in house that One Direction had rented. Suddenly I heard a big growl from my stomach.

“Hungry, are we?” I asked before thinking about how awkward it was that I was talking to myself. I opened the fridge while singing along to a song. Nothing in there was tempting so I decided to make the one thing I lived for; dough. That was the best thing I could ever get, so why not make it now? And if there were some leftovers I could make some cupcakes. Because of my love for dough I knew a recipe by heart. It didn’t take long until I sat in the coach in front of the TV with a big bowl of dough.

The familiar intro to “You raise me up” started and I turned of the TV and moved closer to the speakers. I moved with what I like to describe as graceful moves while singing.

As the chorus started I sang as loud as I could without drown the music. In that moment I felt fantastic, but it wasn’t for long. Because in the next second the door opened and five boys came in.

It was completely silent for a moment before they all burst in to laughter. Who wouldn’t? I stood there in a t-shirt pouring my heart out to Westlife.

“Who knew you were such a good singer?” Louis said while grinning at me.

“Oh god,” I said and turned around while trying hard to not run towards what I considered as my room. As I was about to shut the door a hand came stopped me.

“Hey,” Harry said while smiling at me. I stood with my body turned around from him, refusing to look at him. This was by far the most embarrassing moment in my life, was privacy to much to ask. He took my shoulders and forced me around.

“You’ve got something there,” he said while slowly stroking his finger towards a spot on my face.

“You made cake?” I heard Niall ask excited. In that moment I couldn’t hold my mask longer. I burst out into laughter.

“I’m never going to sing in my entire life again,” I said while laughing. I went out to the other boys and found Louis all over my dough.

“Hey, that’s mine!” I yelled at him but he didn’t seem to care. Harry mumbled something about Louis loving cookie dough.

“No cake?” Niall asked while looking at me with eyes filled with sadness.

“Sorry man,” I said while smiling. The awkwardness had already gone away. Thank god.

The other boys had gone to bed, but for some reason I didn’t get tired until it was in the middle of the night. I yawned and went into my room. Harry snored silently as I changed to my pyjamas. We were both to stubborn to give the bed to the other, so we were kind of unwilling sharing the bed. Just as I glared angrily at him for not letting me win the bed I thought of something. Maybe I couldn’t get him out of bed, but I could make it seem like a good alternative to find another place to crash. All I needed was a pen which I found quickly. Silently I crawled up to him so I was in a good position to draw a mustache and whiskers at him.

I was being very quiet and almost held my breath to not wake him. My face was just inches away from him so I could see what I was drawing. Of course I was to busy making the lines in his face straight to discover that the snoring stopped. After a short while his deep voice interrupted the silence.

“You have huge lips,” he said with a husky voice. He caught me buy a surprise and I barely stopped myself from screaming.

“Well thank you,” I said, kind of insulted while crawling away from him. He looked at me and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that. They are beautiful,” He said and left the last words kind of hanging in the air.

“Erm, thank you I guess. Who knew you could be so charming at night?” I asked with a grin.

“Actually you look incredible considering that it’s the middle of the night,” He said with a low voice.

“Am I supposed to be flattered when you say that?” I asked him and looked at him. Even though there wasn’t any light I could see his face pretty good now. He gave me a beautiful smile.

“I don’t know are you?” he asked with a flirty tone. He caught me off guard so I had no idea how to react, so I reacted in a typical Monica-method by commenting that he had something in his face.

“I know, you drew it,” He said. I smiled at him before turning away. He took a deep breath and I could hear that he changed his position.

“Good night, Monica,” he said silently.

“Good night Harry,” I answered with a whisper.

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