23. Once a bitch always a bitch

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The last to days had been really fun, REALLY fun! Harry had gladly told me every single detail from when he was out making out with girls, and I had gladly listened. The idea of me and Harry as a couple now sounded as familiar as Anna not being into Niall.

“Hey, do you want to come with me and Charlotte to the bar?” Harry asked me. Charlotte was his new bitch, he had met her yesterday and they already seemed like they were married. I couldn’t read his expression at all. For a moment I thought about how to answer, but the fact was that I was so tired of lying and trying to hide my feelings so I answered honestly for the first time in a couple days.

“You know what? I would have love to, but I’m not very into being the third wheel,” I answered with a fake happy face. He looked at me and shrugged.

“Your choice,” he said and went out.

Luckily he never came home that night so I had the bed all to myself. I would probably lying there all night crying, but I refused to cry for that ass. This was for the best, and I wasn’t even that into him.

Before I even knew it was morning, and I had barely closed my eyes. To my surprise someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I said and sat up. Liam slowly opened the door and stepped in.

“How are you?” he asked and looked worried. I yawned and then smiled at him.

“Fine, how are you?” I answered. He sat down on the bed.

“You don’t have to pretend with me,” Liam said slowly.

“I’m not pretending, why is everybody telling me to stop pretending?” I asked kind of pissed off. I stood up and went towards the door before I turned around and looked at him. “Have a good day with Danielle,” I said in a bitter tone. Not that I was mad at him for being with Danielle, but it kind of sucked that everyone was happily in love, and never were home.

Liam didn’t talk to me before he said goodbye when he was leaving. He probably thought I needed some space. Finally they’re all gone, I thought to my self as I sat in the sofa. Just as I was about to wonder what I would do I heard someone coming in the door.

“Hello?” Harry’s voice said.

“Hi,” I answered shortly. Harry came into the living room while holding some food. He sat down beside me.

“Hungry?” he asked and took some himself.

“Nope,” I answered coldly and pretended to stare at the TV.

“It’s your favorite,” he said.

“I don’t care, I don’t want it,” I said.

“Are you sure?” he asked.


“I know you’re hungry.”

“No, I’m not,” There was a silence. The fact was that I was almost drooling. The smell was irresistible, but accepting it would be like giving into him, which I refused to. So there I sat and tried to keep my eyes of the delicious food.

“I know you want it,” he said and tried again. Does he ever give up, I asked myself.

“Not more than I want to remain my dignity,” I said and still refused to look at him. There was an awkward silence again.

“I refuse to let you do this,” He said and seemed angry.

“Do what? Not eat?” I asked still with my eyes locked on the screen.

“Stop playing dumb, you know what I’m talking about, you are pushing me away!” he said. For the first time I turned around and looked at him. My eyes were almost shooting fire out.

“I am pushing YOU away?!” I asked.

“I’m not the one on a date every second of every day!” I said and was pissed off that I almost laughed.

“Why are you bringing that up?” He asked confused.

“You’re clearly looking for a girl to be in your life, and that isn’t me,” I said through gritted teeth.

“That’s because you…” he started but we got interrupted by Louis walking in to the room. He looked at Harry, then at me and then back at Harry.

“Woops, looks like I interrupted some serious talking here, I’ll just go back to Eleanor,” He said but I interrupted him.

“No, stay! We are done,” I said and went into the bath. I wasn’t really sure if I meant that the conversation was done, or if I was just done with it all.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now